The end, yet a new start

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Author's Notes:This is the final chapter, thank for all of you who read my fan fiction, I really appreciate it!!!

The lyres belongs to "源自夏的声音",the English lyres translated by me(I'd really tryed my best T_T)

Covered version of the song(Covered my me): please see the link at the end of the story



The gate opened five minutes later after Terry ended the call. A gray tall wolf stood behind the metal railing opened the gate for us. All of my classmates are happy to see our foreign homeroom teacher again, some of them leave from the rank going right to the gray tall wolf greet at him in a hurried pass but with excitement and joyfulness. Eric shakes his head when the people goofing off from the rank and eventually dismissed as a natural reaction seeing our favorite teacher, he joins into the crowd chatting with Mr. McBroom over the long haul.

"Guys, I'm happy to see you. Thank you Terry." Mr. McBroom smiled at us, he looked at Terry who invited him and cleared his throat back to us, "Ok, come inside, you guys deserved it!"

Everyone started to go into the party villa in rush but still in order, the front courtyard is nice decorated with plants and flowers, a pavilion stood beside the pond concealed by the branch of a willow, whispering when the zephyr come. A three-floor house sits behind the beautiful landscape on the other path, I can't see much of detail because it is a bit far from the gate. The crowd scattered around the front courtyard after Terry and Lynn told them to meet at the house 15 minutes later. Those boys are strolling around the mini playground having fun with the swing and slides over there, including those evil ideas with each other... Girls are sitting in the pavilion or beside the pond, chatting with each other about various stuff. Some of them are picking the flowers for a game they have made of and invited few boys to join them as well. Terry, Lynn and Mr. McBroom went to the house and get in, preparing for the ceremony we'll have for our graduation. I stood at the crossroads watching them, don't know where I belong to...

I sit on the bench on the side of the path, untied my hair let it free from the shackles of out forces. A gentle breeze fondles my long light goldenrod yellow hair gently, under the soft warm sunlight quietening the loneliness inside of me. The tweet comes from birds like a never ending melody, surrounded by the aroma of those living beauty recalling the fragrant memories of mine, memories when I was still a six years old child and still have my cyan fur. That simple and naive child is in a deep slumber, in a replacement of me, I knew he will never wake up and never wants to wake up, because of me, because of the formation of the second personality.

I stare at the views blankly, thought this is the best way to wasted my 15 minutes gap before the next event occurs. Then, a figure greeted in my views which caught my attention. Notwithstanding that he is still far away from me coming from the playground, the yellow horn protruding above his muzzle yet still recognizable from others. I left out a small sigh and put a smile on my face greeting at the purple chameleon meters away from me, a gentle smile grow on his face. He sat beside me bend forward with his elbow propped up on his lap supporting himself, bending his body towards me looking at my face. The awkward silence atmosphere immediately built up between us, I want to start the conversation with him but my throat feel like deadly dry, couldn't even move my tone like they are stuck together. I moved my eyes away from the purple chameleon feeling nervous but glad he had come. 'Ugggh, Jerry do something!' I yelled myself mentally and force myself to look at the purple chameleon sits beside me. Espio blinked his eyes few times at me, knowing my nervousness somehow, started the conversation for me. And who knows, all of that scene is just in two-seconds and didn't notice the clenched edgy fist of mine!

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