bambam; need

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She walked around, head up high

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She walked around, head up high. Kunpimook just stared in awe. She had just been tripped and her books kicked away from her, but she just gets back up and flips them off. Her name was Emily. Kunpimook had fallen head over heels for her. 

Forward to December, Emily had finally accepted dating him. He spoiled her with expensive girly things, like make up and clothes and chocolate. Basically anything she wanted. She was everything for him, he thought he cold finally leave his player ways that he had inherited and settle with one girl for longer than a week. 

He happily took her anywhere she wanted to go and gave her anything she wanted to own. He had in fact, given her his full heart. 

Until she dropped it, broke it, stepped all over it and threw it in lava. Along with Aura's poor foot. No one, no one, nobody dares to hurt his closest friends in any possible way. That is a rule that all of Kunpimook's affairs and acquaintances or pretty much anyone has to follow. It was especially important that Emily gets along well with Aura. He wanted the only girl he had ever considered as close as his actual sister, Aura, to befriend Emily, someone  he was ready to keep. 

Aura was the one who gave him his nickname, Bambam. When they first met, he had never liked her. But seeing Mark so happy with her, he decided to give her a try. He never regretted it. She really wasn't a gold digger, just someone who loved Mark as much as he did. Maybe even more. Sadly, when he brought it up with Yugyeom, the maknae wasn't very happy. So he continued to "hate" her. 

Now that Emily was out of the picture, he felt free. Like he didn't have to get a lecture from his parents every time he bought something for her. Like he didn't have to wrack his brain all night to figure out how to impress her. Freedom. 

"YAH! Are you even listening?!" Yugyeom whacked Bambam's head. They two sat in the cafeteria alone, while the others got their lunch. "Nope," he smirked, popping the 'p'. Yugyeom groaned, "We're graduating soon. Can you believe that? Two of the youngest seniors who originally had zero chances of graduating, are going to be leaving this god-forsaken place," Yugyeom bit into his cupcake, getting a bit of frosting on his nose. 

Aura and Jaebum were the first to arrive. Aura scrunched up her nose, took out a napkin and wiped the icing of Yugyeom's nose, "Aye! Noona, stop!!" Yugyeom pulled away. "You're still a baby, you can't graduate yet. Bambam can because he's mature, but little Yugie-" Aura's little motherly rant was cut off. 

"I'M NOT A BABY!!" Yugyeom whined jumping up and down. "You sure look like one," Jinyoung came up with Youngjae. Yugyeom continued to whine about him being a mature adult, while Bambam dazed off to another direction. "JACKBAM!" Jackson yelled almost jumping on top of Bambam. He screamed in terror at the amount of food he had on his plate, that added to the weight on top of him. 

"Yah! Get off him, people are looking!" Jaebum yelled. From the position Bambam was in, he could see everything under the table. 

There were writings and chewing gum, but mostly writings. 

"I see you reflected in today's sunlight
You are crazily radiant
You plant the sun in my heart
Let's you and I be together today"

(a/n: Let Me - GOT7)

  "When nothing seems to be going right
When I carry a lot of stress on my shoulders
Whenver I see you I get butterflies
All kinds of worries and troubles are disappeared"
(a/n: Drive - Jay Park feat. Gray)

Bambam also noticed Jaebum's hand engulfing Aura's hand. But wasn't he yelling at Jackson? He then saw his hand letting go and placing itself on her thigh. "Jackson get off me!" Bambam finally yelled. Jackson stuffed a chocolate pudding down his mouth and then got off. 

"So you two are actually serious now?" Bambam, crossed his hands on the table, narrowing his eyes at the couple. Jaebum simply nodded and ate his sandwich. "Yup," said Aura, concentrating more on her food as well. "Dude, you're late to the party, Aura and Jaebum have been serious for the past couple of weeks," said Jackson.

"How's this ship name? Aurum or what about Jara?" Yugyeom asked.

"I like Aurum but maybe Jura sounds better," Jinyoung added. 

"Aurum," everyone agreed except Bambam. Was he really that late to realize? He knew they were dating but he thought they were only trying it out to see if it works. So then it did work? 

"Bam, is something bothering you?" asked Yugyeom. All eyes turned on him, full of concern. He shook his head pretty quickly. "Are you sure? You've been zoning out a lot lately," Jinyoung said. He took one look into Jinyoung's eyes and everything just spilled out. "It's just that after Emily and I broke up, I'm a bit bored and need something to do. Plus we're graduating pretty soon so I'm also stressed about that since I've done nothing about college admissions and then prom is coming and I need a suit and Emily's been creeping me out. I need a girlfriend, I need a college admission, I need a suit, I need to graduate, I need a breather, I need to get good grades, I need to survive. I just need help," He took a deep breath, "Also congratulations to Aurum."

Everyone just stared at him like he was crazy. 

The next thing he knew, everyone was hugging him.  That was all he needed right now

A hug, from everyone he loved, for as long as possible to keep him away from all that stress.

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