[BONUS]Time of Death

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you thought i was done. hell to the n-a-h. get ready for some emotional turbulence

see what i did there ;D

i've put in easter eggs, try to find them and comment below!

!!pov can switch in between!!


[BONUS]Time of Death

point of view: Mark Tuan

He was as excited as a child on the night of Christmas Eve. The love of his life would be home soon and he was going to surprise her once again. In three days, spring break would come and instead of staying at home, as usual, he planned on taking Aura away for a getaway. His father being rich owned a holiday home and managed to get it to himself and her for two weeks.

He had everything planned out. He'll go to her house, decorate her room, and once she gets home, he'll ask her to come with him. If and when she says yes, they'll dance to her favorite OSTs (which was her cute thing), and once she's tired, he'll bridal style carry her to her bed and lie down with her, sing her to sleep until she's snoring.

Even if she said no, he'll still dance with her. He loved her too much to mind the awkwardness.

He carried a box of supplies, filled with scented candles, rose petals, Chinese lanterns, fairy lights, red and white long cloths, white cushions and a CD of a compilation of Aura's favorite OSTs. He wore a grey-white patterned sweatshirt, denim jeans and a pair of worn out sneakers. With the pair of spare keys, Aura gave him after their second anniversary, which was a few months ago, he unlocked the front door and made his way to Aura's room, quietly praying that no one was home.

What? It isn't breaking and entering if the owner gave you a pair of keys.

Climbing up the stairs, he remembered he forgot to lock his car. "Shit," he muttered, running up and dumping the box at the top and then ran back down to his navy blue jeep, he nicknamed "Joey". It was his second car after his first one was brutally destroyed by a drunk driver. Luckily no one was inside that car. He quickly locked it before grabbing his Bluetooth speaker.

Twenty minutes and thirty candles later, he was almost done. His stomach was grumbling loudly as he taped one end of a red cloth to the wall. "Shut up stomach, you aren't a dinosaur," he said to himself. He then decided he'd raid the kitchen. He dumped the roll of tape on the table and took a quick look at the room he decorated.

The walls were draped with red and white cloths, there were rose petals scattered on Aura's white duvet on her bed and around the bed as well. Candles, fairy light, and the Chinese lanterns were the only sources of light. Satisfied, he made his way to the kitchen, humming a tune in his head.

There was a loud thud, followed by a crash and then a slur of cuss words coming from the living room. Mark was on edge and decided to use the bottle of Coke as his weapon. Seriously? You couldn't think of a better weapon, you, dumb author? (shut up or I'll kill you. Oh wait I already did :D) You broke the fourth wall. Just saying...And you're rude. (you started i-BACK TO THE STORY)

"Mark?" Aura's father stumbled into the kitchen, in his untucked dress shirt and crumpled pants, holding a bottle of alcohol. "Sir!" Mark dropped the bottle and went to Aura's dad's side. Mr. Min was a great man, Mark never expected him to drink. But until a few weeks earlier, Aura had told Mark that her father had been drowning himself in alcohol because of his work being too troublesome.

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