Chapter 6.

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Another shitty day of school is coming people. I look at my closet trying to pick something to wear , i finally choose a black t shirt with a black skinny jeans and black snickers and my black Adidas hat. I put on a simple make up and get out of my room.

I look at the kitchen table and there's pancakes on it.
Mrs. Stewart must be here since there's pancakes.

'Mrs. Stewart!!' I yell.

'Yes yes, what do you need honey?' She says.

'Nothing just missed you, i feel like I haven't seen you for ages.' I walk to her and hug her.

'Yes i miss you too Selena. You have school though so eat fast and get going.' I smile and sit on the table.

Mrs. Stewart has been working for us for ages she's been more like a mother to me than my own mother has ever been , i never complain about my parents though I understand that they need to work and I appreciate that.

'Selena it's late get going.' Mrs. Stewart tells me.

'Okay Ava. Goodbye I'll see you when i get home.'

'Goodbye honey.' She smiles. I grab my car keys and get out of the house.


I walk into my first class , I'm sharing this one with Shawn. I take a seat in the back as usual.

Are things going to be awkward between us? I mean he almost kissed me. But how is it ever going to be awkward when we weren't even friends? We weren't talking for things to be awkward. A great self reminder Selena ( you guys aren't even friends so stop it with the overthinking he practically hates you and thinks you're a bitch ) why does this reminder hurt? But it is the truth. I sigh and take out my notebook which is practically a drawing book for me.

I start drawing the first thing that comes on my mind. The only thing that i see every time i close my eyes his eyes. I finish drawing his eye and look at it again why am i so terrible when i try to draw him?
Maybe it's because I'm nervous or maybe because I'm too excited for it.

'Who's eye is that?' Someone asks beside me.
I almost jump in fear because I wasn't expecting anyone to talk. I turn around and look at him that is when I actually jump in fear. It's Shawn Corrigan himself.

'You seem like you've seen a ghost.' He smirks.

'Dammit you scared the shit out of me.' I mutter while trying to hide his eye, his eye! Thank god I didn't draw both because then it would've been too obvious.

'Sorry I didn't mean to.' He says. Did he just apologize? Shawn Corrigan just apologized to me.

'It's okay.' I smile.

'So you didn't answer me.' He looks at me waiting for me to answer. I just stare at him.

'Hello? Are you still here?' He waves his hands in front of my face.

'Yeah yeah.'

'So? Who's eye was that?' He asks again.

'No one, i practically draw anything that comes to my mind.'

'So that eye was on your mind?'


'Then it must be someone's eye then.' He smirks.

'No it wasn't, why are you asking about this anyway?' I ask as i cross my arms.

'Is it bothering you? Me talking to you?' He raises his eyebrow.
Is it bothering me? No.  in fact I'm more comfortable talking to him now than i was before.

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