Chapter 3- Gibbs' POV

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After recieving the news that NCIS was unable to visit Ziva I called Director Shepard. She told me that the was nothing she could do, as Ziva wasn't married and had no other living realitives other than her father.

I asked the doctor how she was doing in surgery. He told me that as I was not a relative, he could not release that information.

"Can you at least tell me if she will make it," I demanded.

"I can assure you of that, as her external injuries weren't too severe" the doctor quietly stated.

I was relieved that Zever was going to be ok, but was still pissed at the fact that I wouldn't be able to know anymore.

Jenny just called and said that Director David wouldn't be able to secure a flight until the next week, so he asked that Michael Rivkin be notified of her status, and that if anything was to happen to her while he was not there, he would be in charge.

Again, I was pissed. Who did Director David think he was? If he really cared about his daughter he would already be on his way, not waiting for his private jet to be ready.

Hopefully Ziva would be out of surgery soon, so that she could make her own decisions.

His wish came true and Ziva was out of surgery 4 hours later, but could not have visitors. Gibbs watched her sleep for several minutes through the glass door before turning around to call Dinozzo and the others. He heard something hit the glass behind him and whipped his head around to see what it was.

Ziva waved weakly at him from her bed. Gibbs signed how are you to her not wanting to alarm the nurses. She gave him a thumbs up, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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