Chapter 10

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I can't believe it! When Ducky went to visit her she thought she was 18, but now she thinks she is 8! Next thing you know, she'll think she is one!

Ducky in Abby's Lab:

Abby my dear, I believe that Ziva will be okay, but we need to figure out why she think she is younger every time we visit her. I believe her brain is letting her heal from the trauma from reverting itself back to a happier time. The reason she went back to being 18 is because it is happier for her than these days. When she was 18 her mom was killed, so she went back to when she was 8, and had her sister Tali. I am worried that soon she will lower her age even more when Tali dies.

The only way we can help her now is by making her happy, and making her brain want to be older. Perhaps then she will become older, and remember her real life.

At the Hospital:

Gibbs walked into the hospital, and headed to Ziva's floor. He stood outside her door and waved to her. She looked blankly at him, and he opened her door to go in. She pressed the nurse button, and looked Gibbs terrified. He bent down next to her bed and started to read her a book. It was a childrens book, but she was enthused anyway. When the nurse came in and saw them they soon left. Halfway through the book Ziva asked Gibbs how the case was going. He asked her her age. She told him she was 37 and that her name was Ziva. He stood up and kissed her on the forhead, before welcoming her back. Ducky walked into the room seconds later and said hello. She asked him who he was, and he was taken aback. Ziva clearly only remembered Gibbs right now. He left them alone, and went back to NCIS to tell the others.

Ziva asked Gibbs when they could go home. But this time she called him dad. He looked at her surprised, and she smiled at him. He told her that they would go home as soon as she was better. Tony came to relieve Gibbs, so he left and went back at NCIS.


A man just walked into my room. I recognize him, but i suspect he may be with my father. I pressed the nurses button several times, and started yelling for help. The man looked confused, and started to walk toward my bed. I kicked him, and held onto my leg. I was terrified. I didn't want to be hurt anymore.


She tried to kick me so i grabbed her leg. She looks even more scared now. I don't want to hurt her, but she doesn't understand. I put her leg down and crouch next to her bed. I look at her and ask if she remembers me. She starts to cry and i tell her that my name is Tony. Gibbs finally chose the right moment to interrupt. He walked in and she yelled for him to help her. He immediately came over to where i was, and told her that Tony worked with us. That seemed to calm her a little bit, but not enough to trust me.


Gibbs told me that the man works with us. I believe him, but what if he also works with my dad! He held up his phone to me. Me, him, Gibbs, and another man were his lock screen. I was starting to believe him a little bit more. He handed me his phone and told me to scroll through some pictures. I did, and i saw that i did work with him. There were pictures of us at crime scenes, and pranking the other man who was on the lock screen. After looking through what must have been a hundred pictures I handed the phone back to him. He smiled and asked if i believed him. I sat up and punched him in the face. He fell back, and held his nose. He looked at Gibbs, who only smiled. I lied back down and told him I did. 


Ziva just punched me in the face. How could she be mad at me? I didn't even do anything wrong! But whatever it meant, she believed me now, and i was glad. I held out my arms to hug her. She looked at me with eyes of confusion. I asked her if she wanted a hug, and she shrugged, so i stood up slightly and hugged her. All of a sudden she fell back down to her pillow suddenly. I asked her what was wrong, but she started to cry. Ziva had never cried in front of me before today. I asked her to point to what hurt. She held her hands to her head, so i yelled for a nurse. A nurse came running in and gave her some anesthetic. She asked me what happened, and i didn't know, so she asked me to stand outside while she made sure nothing was wrong.

Something was wrong. The nurse yelled for a doctor who came running in. They had discovered that Ziva had chronic headaches, and that this was a rebound headache. When i told them that we worked together, they asked if she ever complained of headaches. I told her that she didn't, but that she had been working somewhere else recently. They continued to  make sure she was okay, and when i was sure that she was sleeping, i left.


I wake up and start choking. I can't breathe, and start to panic. A nurse runs in and pulls a tube out of my throat, and shines a light in my eyes. I lie there as doctors and nurses run around my room checking on me. 

I ask one of them why there was a tube in my throat, and they told me that I complained of severe head pain. I apologized, and she told me that it was okay. She asked me if I had constant headaches throughout the day. I told her that I did, and she told me that I was going to be okay, but that the doctors had to run some tests.


The hospital just called me and told me that Ziva was awake if I wanted to see  her. I told them I would be in, in 30 minutes.

At the Hospital: Ziva

Tony walked into my hospital room and asked how my head was. I told him that it was good, despite the fact that it was pounding, and asked him if there were any developments in the case. He told me there wasn't, and took a seat. He told me that he and Gibbs were talking to the doctors, and that they had some news for me.


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