Chapter I

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Getting out of the car, Violetta told her father goodbye. He wished her good luck, and then he took off to his job.

Vilu took a good look at the outside of her new school—it looked pretty fine, although she had heard by some of her classmates down at her old school that this school was built in the 1800's.

Just then, she realized how late she was, so she ran up the stairs of the school and bolted into the double-doors. She hurried as fast as she could to her class, wherever that was. But then suddenly, she bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry about that. Are you alright?" he said to her.

Violetta looked at him straight in the eyes, and he did the same. His eyes were a lovely green, and it seemed as if she were looking straight into the portal to Heaven. His hair was light brown, a color she couldn't quite describe.

For a moment, Vilu didn't know what she was feeling—a kind of warm and comforting sensation all around her. The world had stopped. Time itself seemed to have realized this magical moment was happening, which caused it to temporarily pause its tiring work. To her, it was as if the whole world was suddenly made up of just him—

"Are you okay?" he asked her again.

"Yeah, I'm ... you're ... umm ... " That was all she could say in that magical and enchanting moment.

"I'm sorry, but who are you? I have never seen you before," he said.

Even his voice was cute!

"I'm Violetta. Castillo. I—I am new here. I can't find my way to class."

He looked at her once more. "Now that I think about it, I believe I have seen you before. I think I have heard that name too—Violetta Castillo? Like, daughter of Herman Castillo?"

"Yes?" Vilu said. How did he know her? Or was her dad that famous?

He smiled an enormous smile. "Pardon me, where are my manners?" He held out his hand, and she took it. "I am Leon Vargas. I could show you the way to class, but I don't know who your teacher is."

She answered, "I'm in Angie Carrara's class first, I think."

"Too bad you are not in my first class," Leon murmured.


"Nothing. I'll show you the way to your class. Maybe we could see each other after school?"

"We'll see." Why does he suddenly want to be with her? Why does she suddenly want to be with him? They just met like 2 minutes ago.

Realizing Leon was telling her to follow him, she started walking.

Leon Vargas. Leon Vargas. Where in this lovely world has she heard of that name? It's not like she's seen him before—or has she?

It was about a minute-long walk until finally they arrived. He opened the door for her and let her in. Violetta smiled up at him, and of course, he smiled back.

She felt a tingly sensation in her stomach, one that any person would feel when they know that that guy or girl is just the perfect match for you—in other words, your soulmate.

The teacher, who lifted her head up from the papers on her desk when she heard Leon open the door, smiled and said, "Well, well. Late on your first day, huh, Ms. Castillo?"

Violetta smiled at the teacher, then she looked over her shoulder to Leon. He shrugged and said, "I better get to class myself. Good luck!"

Vilu said, "Thanks!" and then he left.

The teacher got up from her chair and got the students' attention.

"Everyone, let's welcome our new student, Violetta Castillo!"

The class welcomed her with a "Welcome" and an applause. Violetta waved her hand at everyone. There were about 21 students in the room. Great, so there will be an even number of students in this class now.

"Alright Violetta. You can sit on the seat next to Francesca," the teacher said.

Violetta looked around the room, searching for a Francesca. In the middle of the class, a girl who looked like Snow White herself waved at her to get her attention. Vilu smiled and headed to the seat next to her.

"Hi!" Francesca said.

"Hi," Violetta said back. She didn't know what else to say.

"I hope you like it here. I am sure you will make tons of friends here." She sounded so cheerful, as if nothing in the world, be it good or bad, mattered to her.

"Yes, I do like it here. It's so full of friendly people like you." And like Leon.

"Girls," the teacher said. "Violetta, I know it is your first day but even new people have to do schoolwork. Alright?"

"Sorry, miss."

"It's OK. Now class, let's go on to mathematics."

The rest of the day, Violetta could not stop thinking of that boy. Leon Vargas, she thought. How can someone be so cute? I wonder where he's from, who his parents are, if he has any siblings. Or a girlfriend. Wait, what am I thinking about? He's just a guy. A cute guy by the way. Ugh. Violetta, stop thinking about Leon! Think about him after school or something.

But no matter what Violetta did, her head only thought of one thing: Leon.

Math: Leon
Science: Leon
History: Leon
English: Leon
Lunch: Leon

The bell rang. Great. School was out and Violetta was still thinking of him. I wonder where he is. He said that we would see each other after school.

Vilu didn't see him anywhere in the building, so she decided to go outside.

She looked around. There he was! Behind some trees some 20 yards away.

Violetta smiled a gigantic smile and walked to where he was. For a while, she kind of zoned off and began to think of why she was doing this: Why do I suddenly feel he makes up the other side of me, the happy side of me? Why, if we just met, do I feel like I've known him since forever? Why am I even asking myself these questions if I know they won't be answered?

She shook her thoughts out of her head and headed to where Leon was. But when she got to where she had seen him, she realized he wasn't there. Did he leave while she was daydreaming? Where did he go anyway?

Violetta looked around. He was nowhere to be seen.


My first story guys! I hope you're enjoying it so far, and I hope you will enjoy it till the end♡

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