Chapter XIII

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"What was that?" Violetta asked as she walked out the room.

Angie stopped in her tracks and turned to Violetta. "You. Go into the room, now."

As Angie pushed Violetta in the room, Violetta asked, "Why? What's wrong?"

Receiving no answer, Vilu heard Angie's high heels loudly tapping on the wooden floors of the school.

When Angie arrived to where the sound had come from, she realized it was exactly what she had feared—there was a hole in the wall, not the kind of hole any old tool would make. This hole was more like a hole someone had made just using their hands. Yet Angie clearly knew this wasn't made by some random student.

"This place is falling apart," Angie whispered.

She turned around to see some students standing close by. One of them came up and told her, "We cannot have that mortal in here any longer. Someone has to bite her sooner than later."

Angie nodded. "Just not yet. We will have to wait until the proper time comes."

"And when is that?" another student asked.

"I do not know," Angie said. "I really, truly do not know."


Class began, as normal as it possibly could, and Violetta still had no idea of what happened earlier.

She noticed Camilla wasn't there, to her relief. She leaned to her right to where Francesca was and whispered to her, "Where's Camilla?"

Francesca shrugged, then said, "I don't know. I heard from someone that she was suspended."

"For how long?"

"For two weeks, I believe." Francesca then turned to where the teacher was, and concentrated on her.

"And where's Fede?"

Francesca, still looking at Angie, said, "At home. You know why."

Violetta nodded to herself. She looked around. The room had a pretty strange feel today. Violetta wondered why.

Darn. I have done so much thinking in just three days, probably even more than the average person. I will have to quit this habit once and for all.

Just when she thought this in her head, she blinked her eyes a few times—the classroom was getting a little too bright for her eyes.

Finally, the room was so bright she couldn't even keep her eyes open. She kept her eyes closed for a while, and when she felt the brightness had dimmed, she opened them again.

Her eyes opened as wide as possible when she realized she wasn't in the classroom anymore. She was more like in an empty white room.

Suddenly, she felt a hand touch her from behind. She turned around, and felt a chill run down her spine when she saw who it was.

"Leon! What's going on here?" Violetta asked.

Leon, saying nothing, slowly walked closer to her. Violetta tried to back away from him, yet she could not move her feet.

She tried to move her arms and her head—they worked perfectly. How odd.

He leaned close to her, and finally reached her lips. They kissed for longer than a minute, until a distant sound made them cease the kiss.

Violetta looked around. There were some elegantly-dressed couples dancing around in circles. It looked more like an old-fashion ball of some kind.

Unbeknownst to her brain (and sort of like a puppet), her mouth suddenly said, "Leon!"

Violetta felt herself going down, falling to the ground. She felt some arms, Leon's arms, catch her right before she hit the ground.

Leon stared at her with crying eyes. "Violetta," he choked out.

"I love you," Violetta said, again without her knowing and still wrapped around Leon's arms.

"I love you too," Leon managed to say.

That was when he leaned in to Violetta and reached her neck. Violetta felt a tiny prick on her neck, and the last thing—or rather, person—she saw was Leon. . . .


Vote and comment please! I'd like to know how good (or bad) I'm doing on this! Danke♡

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