Chapter VI

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"Leon?" Angie asked. Violetta noticed a worry line forming in Angie's forehead.

"What's wrong Angie? Why do you suddenly look so worried? What's wrong with Leon?"

Angie looked down for a second or two, then looked at her. "No, no, nothing, Vilu. Just get to class. We will talk about it later."

"OK?" She didn't understand why Angie suddenly acted so strange. Oh, well. She'll have some explaining to do as well.

As she was headed towards Angie's class, she saw Francesca talking to a guy. She decided to go to her and see who this guy was.

"Hey Fran!" was what Vilu said to get their attention.

Francesca and the other guy turned to her. "Oh, hey Violetta!" Francesca said.

"Hey! What's up?" said the guy with a very strong accent.

Vilu waved at him.

"Violetta, this here is my brother, Federico."

"You must be Violetta," Federico said.

"Uh, yeah. Fran just said who I was." Although they looked a bit different to be brother and sister, they definitely had the same kind of personality.

"Of course she did. She talked about you all yesterday long."

That sounded a bit off. "Did she? Cool!" Violetta began to talk to him about how she didn't know Francesca had a brother.

"Wait, why didn't I see you yesterday?" Violetta asked.

"Oh, I was hanging out with my girlfriend," he said.

She was about to ask him who his girlfriend was when Fran interrupted them.

"Hey guys! I am still right here. Don't forget about me!" Francesca said, waving her hand in front of Federico and Violetta.

Vilu turned to her and smiled an innocent smile.

"Hey, school's about to start. Let's go before aunt—I mean before Angie says something to us," she said.

"Yeah, let's go," Francesca said.

They were headed towards their class, which Violetta still didn't know where it was. She turned around just to try to remember how to get to her class, but instead she saw a red headed girl half-hidden in a nearby corner staring at her, as if she were angry at her. Violetta looked around to see if the girl was staring at someone else behind her, but Vilu was the only one there now. Great. Francesca and Federico had left without her.

Violetta turned around again to ask the girl why she was staring at her, but when she did so, the girl wasn't there anymore. Another Leon. Why was everybody disappearing just like that?

She looked around again. A minute ago, there were about 20 people there in that hallway. When she turned around and saw that girl, it was just Vilu and her.

"Where did everbody go?" she said out loud. She stood there, as if waiting for an answer, then sighed and headed toward where she believed Fran and Fede went.

Luckily, she made it to Angie's classroom a second before the bell rang.

"Violetta! What a pleasure to see you come to school in time!" Angie sounded like the teacher she saw yesterday, not like the aunt she met today.

"Don't just stand there. Have a seat!"

Violetta was about to go to the seat where she had sat on yesterday, but then noticed that the red headed girl was sitting there already. So she's in her class too. This might get interesting—not in a good way.

Ignoring her cold stare, Vilu walked to the empty seat right behind her. She hoped Redhead wouldn't say something to her. Unfortunately, she did.

She turned around, looked at Vilu up and down, and said, "Stay away from my boyfriend. Or else." She squinted her eyes at her, then turned to where Angie was.

Boyfriend? Who could this boyfriend be? It's not Leon, isn't it?

She turned to Vilu again. "No, it's not Leon. But you better stay away from him too. Don't say I didn't warn you when it's too late." She smirked and turned around once again.

What? She just read my mind! How? Is she a witch or something? Who is she anyway? I have to know

"Shut up, will you?" Redhead whispered to her without turning around.

For a sweet-looking girl like her, she was pretty mean. I wonder what caused her to be that mean. Violetta, stop thinking! Concentrate on what Angie is saying!

"Yeah, do that." Redhead was getting kind of annoying.

Violetta ignored her, and finally concentrated on what Angie had to say about math.

"And this is how you find the answer. Remember this formula guys because you will see it from now on!" Angie was a real math nerd.

Violetta didn't even have to concentrate today. She already knew all this junk. They had learned about this since eighth grade. So she just zoned off until the end of class.

Finally! It was lunchtime. Violetta decided to sit where she had sat yesterday. Looking around the lunchroom, she noticed Francesca and Federico—with Redhead.

What were they doing with her? Are they friends or something?

Redhead jerked her head towards Violetta. She had heard Vilu. Darn. This is getting so annoying.

Redhead turned to where Fran and Fede were, then said, "Hey guys, why don't we sit over there in the corner?" Of course that meant that they would be sitting away from Violetta.

Francesca looked around, and spotted Violetta sitting all alone. "No, why don't we sit with Violetta? She's all alone and it's rude to leave lonely people lonelier." Very good point Fran.

Redhead squinted her eyes to Fran, then to Violetta. How can someone squint that much without closing their eyes?

"Ugh, whatever," Redhead said.

As they were headed to where Violetta was sitting, Francesca said, "Oh, Cami, when will you ever change your personality?"

"When will you change yours?" So her name is Cami. Is that her nickname?

When the three arrived and sat down, they all smiled at Vilu—Cami fake-smiled, of course.

"So, you must be Violetta," Cami stated.

"And you must be Cami," Violetta said. She looked at Vilu as if she were crazy.

"Who said my name was Cami? The name's Camilla for you."

"Whoa, alright, Camilla. I didn't know, sorry."

"Whatever." That must be her favorite word.

She shot a look at Violetta.

Sorry, Violetta said in her mind. That was beginning to get uncomfortable. How did she do that anyway?

"I don't know and I don't care. Just shut your stupid thoughts up and nothing will happen."

Violetta heard Camilla say something under her breath, probably a bad word. Violetta would likely be that way too if she heard people talking to her with their thoughts. She didn't blame her. That much.

They ate in silence for a while, until some time later, Vilu noticed someone from the corner of her eye. She turned around, and she almost couldn't believe it—almost.


Ooooh, suspense! (I don't know what else to say, so, 👍✌💋😏😇👋)

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