Chapter III

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"What do you mean by boyfriend?" he asked.

Violetta turned to her father with wide eyes and made up an excuse on the spot. "Oh hey, Dad! I was just telling Olga about the story I was reading in school today, but I guess she misunderstood me." Violetta turned to where her father couldn't see her face, and gave a look to Olga.

She turned back to her father with an innocent smile. "It was about a girl who just so happened to be called Violet, and she met her Prince Charming when she was taking her morning walk around the park. They fell in love—" she snapped her fingers "—just like that, and became boyfriend and girlfriend. Well, now they're husband and wife. Dad, you have to read that story. It's amazing!"

"Oh, yeah? Then what's the story called so I can check it out later?"

Dad. "I don't remember what it's called exactly, but I think it goes something like For All Eternity."

"I might look that story up." I don't think he truly believes me. "So, how was your day?"

Phew. "It was awesome. Really awesome!"

"Good to hear." He looked at the time on his wrist watch. "I've got to go to my room for a while, so, excuse me." As her father left, Violetta let out the breath she had been holding since she heard him behind her.

"That was a close one, huh, Olga?" Vilu asked. Between all those lies, she had almost forgotten Olga was still there with her.

"Yup, totally." Violetta saw Olga breathe in deeply, then exhale. "It's gonna be hard keeping your boyfriend a secret."

"Olga, for the last time, he is not my boyfriend."

"Yet," she added. She can be really determined, but that's only when she wants to be.

"Okay Olga, that's enough for today. I'm gonna go to my room now."

"Wait, no dinner?" she asked pouting.

"No, I'm not that hungry today."

"Ah, and I know why!" Olga said with that funny voice of hers.

"Don't say it—"

"It's because of your boyfriend, am I right?"

"Olga." Violetta found herself giggling a bit. "Good night."

"Alright, good night my little girl. Sleep tight. Dream of your boyfriend tonight!"


She heard Olga laughing. There was no need to get angry at her. This is who she was: funny, talkative, spontaneous, outgoing, and, of course, has a joy that pervades everything. She is kind of like a second mother to Vilu. She takes care of her when her dad or Ramallo aren't available, and she always joins Vilu in all her pranks and jokes.

Violetta's real mother had died in an accident years ago, that's why she refers to Olga as a 'second mother.' Vilu was only five, so of course she doesn't remember much of her mother. What she did remember was that every night her mother would sing her this beautiful melody, one that would come to her mind automatically whenever she was lonely or sad. It's rather eerie yet true. It was as if her mom was with her everywhere she went, and sung to her that mysterious and uncanny melody whenever she saw that Vilu was lonely.

Now that Violetta thought about it, she remembered she was beginning to hear that melody today, when she had sat on that bench, but Francesca had interrupted it. The only difference was that this time, the melody sounded a bit lonelier, melancholic.

She wondered why. She decided it was a lot of thinking for one day, so she hummed the melody one last time and instantly went to sleep.

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