Chapter VII

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"Leon!" she whispered. Of course Leon didn't hear her since he was all the way at the door of the lunchroom talking to some of his friends.

Violetta turned to where Fran, Fede, and Camilla were, and quickly thought up an excuse. "Hey, guys, I need to go to the restroom. Excuse me." She got up.

Francesca and Federico, who were talking to each other, looked up at the same time as if they did not hear what Vilu had just said. "Where are you going, Violetta?" Fran asked.

Violetta was about to answer when Camilla cut her off. "Did you not just hear what she just said?" She sighed a very deep yet brief sigh. "When will you two learn to clean your ears?"

Violetta left the conversation at that, then headed to the lunchroom door.

Francesca and Federico both looked at each other and then to Camilla. As Federico tried to clean his ears with his index finger, Francesca said, "Cami, ever since you saw Violetta, you've been rather mean to her and to us. Why?"

Camilla looked down for less than a second, and quickly looked up without saying a thing.

"Is it because of..." Francesca let Camilla finish the sentence.


"Lion? What Lion?" Federico said, still sticking his finger in his ear.

Fran looked at Fede and slapped his arm, signaling him to stop doing what he was doing. "Leon, Fede. Remember?"

Fede seemed confused for a few seconds, until finally he said a long "Ohhhhh!" and smiled. "Your boyfriend before me! Glad you hooked up with me, 'cause I know you know I'm handsomer than him!"

"And dumber," Camilla said. She sighed and immediately smiled. "But with a great heart, greater than his."

"But Cami, his heart is even greater than Fede's," Fran said, in a tone which sounded as if she were correcting her.

"What do you mean?" Cami asked.


Violetta walked towards Leon, and in a millisecond a smile appeared on her face. "Leon!" she said, almost yelling.

Leon turned to where he heard his name being called, and faced Violetta with a smile that showed his amazingly white teeth.

As she reached him, she told him "I missed you" without thinking.

"I missed you even more, my love," Leon said.


"You said 'my love'." Violetta said this kind of surprised. Leon's smile turned into a grin.

"I mean, I'm so very sorry I just disappeared like that yesterday. I apologize if I left you waiting." He sounded weird.

"It's alright. I don't even know you that much anyway. It can be dangerous to speak to strangers too."

Leon seemed hurt by what Vilu said.

"So, just out of curiosity, where did you go yesterday that was even more important than me?" Violetta asked as if they were already together.

"Well, I had a very important appointment that couldn't be rescheduled," Leon answered.

"What kind of appointment was it?"

"Violetta ... do you really wanna know?"


"Don't you remember when Leon said that he would fight for Violetta's love at all costs, even if it takes him all eternity?" Francesca said to Camilla.

"When did he say that? It's been so many years, I forget who said what, when, and to whom." Camilla placed her palm on her forehead. "God, this is giving me a freaking headache."

"Leon said that to us when he lost her, 'member? About 10 decades ago." Fran said this, and as she did, she realized how much time had passed since Violetta had disappeared. No one ever found her until now.

"Thanks to Violetta, Leon didn't pay any attention to me for 100 YEARS! Can you believe it! Now I'm stuck with an Italian dumb butt who miraculously isn't still in 3rd grade!" Camilla suddenly burst into a serious and ear-shattering tantrum.

Violetta and Leon immediately turned their heads to see what all the hoopla and ballyhoo was about.

"I HATE YOU, YOU LITTLE . . . !" Camilla searched the room, looking for Violetta. When she finally found her, she ran to her as she yelled, "IF YOU THINK YOU ARE GONNA TAKE MY BOYFRIEND AWAY FROM ME, YOU'RE FREAKING WRONG! YOU HEAR ME?"

Camilla raised her arm and was more than ready to slap Vilu dead in the face. Without even thinking, Violetta crouched down and was just a whisker away from being scarred for life.

Violetta looked up at Camilla. Between all that commotion and fast-thinking, she began to think she was seeing things: Camilla's eyes were red. Not the kind of red that meant someone had been crying for a long time, but the kind you mostly see in movies—red, monstrous eyes.

From behind her, Leon grabbed Violetta up and hugged her tight as Camilla began to scream from the top of her lungs. The ground suddenly began to shake violently. The plates on the lunchroom tables started to move around crazily and fall to the floor.

Violetta looked outside the door to the teachers who were standing nearby gossiping about nonsense. How were those teachers not feeling all this?

As Violetta kept on hugging Leon, they made their way out of the lunchroom, where somehow everything was still and quiet.

"What... was... that?" Violetta asked, dumbstruck.

"Eh, it was one of her temper tantrums, don't worry. She'll get over it." Leon didn't let Violetta go until he was sure that Camilla had gotten over her 'tantrum'. He knew exactly what was happening to Camilla, but he didn't even want to think about it, or her.

Finally, a teacher found Vilu and Leon standing outside the lunchroom.

"What's going on?" the teacher asked.

"Camilla," Leon replied, which caused the teacher to gasp and run into the 'danger zone'.

Chaos errupted throughout the whole school now. The screams were loud enough to break a person's eardrum.

Camilla has gone insane, Violetta thought.

This time, the sound didn't come from Camilla's mouth. It was now coming from everywhere.

"Evacuate the school immediately!" the teacher who entered the lunchroom yelled—he was now running for his life as well.

Without hesitating, hundreds of students from other rooms nearby ran to the front door of the school, probably glad to get out of doing an impossible task.

With hundreds of footsteps running crazily around and that ear-shattering sound coming out of everywhere yet at the same time from nowhere, the school was now the epicenter of an earthquake.

Once every single person was out of the school, including Vilu and Leon—except for Camilla—they all waited until the trembling eventually stopped.

Now that everything was silent, not even a bird dared to sing its beautiful melody. Violetta realized that what she thought started as an interesting morning turned to be an overwhelming afternoon.

Francesca slid towards where Violetta was, and, breaking the silence, said, "Well, I guess it's over."

Federico appeared out of nowhere. "Yep. I'm kinda getting used to her." He sighed a sigh of love and kept on admiring the school, as if nothing vastly supernatural just happened.

"I gotta agree with you, bro," Leon agreed.

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