Chapter IV

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The next day, Violetta woke up to the beautiful song of the morning birds. She sat up and felt the warm sun rays softly hit her on her face, as if telling her to get up and enjoy this wonderful day. She did as the sun rays told her.

After she showered, dressed, and did her hair, Violetta went downstairs with a smile pasted on her. She went into the pantry. Her smile slowly faded away when she realized the person she saw there was not the usual Olga. It was someone else. She had long, wavy, blonde hair, she wore tight jeans, and clearly she was not that old.

Vilu kept on admiring her, until the lady turned around and looked at her. Violetta froze. The lady looked at Violetta with shock at first, but then she smiled and slowly walked towards her.

"Hi, Violetta!" As she reached Vilu, she said, "It's me. Angie Carrara. Remember?"

"Angie? The teacher Angie?" Violetta asked. This couldn't be that teacher from yesterday. This Angie was totally different from the Angie she saw that morning.

"Yes, it's me!"

"You don't look anything like the Angie from yesterday," Vilu said.

She laughed. "Want me to prove to you I'm that Angie?"

"Well, all right..."

Angie grabbed her hair and pulled it into a bun. Then she opened her purse and pulled out some glasses. By just doing those two things, she looked exactly like yesterday, and completely different. Violetta didn't realize she was that pretty...

"See? I'm the one and only Angie!"

Convinced, Violetta said, "OK. So what are you doing in my house? And where's Olga?"

"Well, if you are talking about that woman who was singing a very peculiar song when she opened the door for me, I think she is outside watering the flowers. I came here because when I first saw you at school, I thought you looked like someone I knew."

"Uh, so?" That sort of sounded a bit rude.

"So, when I knew I was right, I decided to come and tell you something. Something that your father probably hasn't told you yet." She looked at Vilu before proceeding. "This might seem a bit sudden and odd, some stranger talking to you about whateverness, but please, hear what I have to say."

Violetta nodded her head, still not knowing the reason why she was in her house, but decided it wouldn't hurt to listen to her anyway.

"I had a sister, an older sister," she began. "She loved to sing, so much that it lead her to fame. Some years passed, she met a guy, married, and had a child. From there she decided to put a pause on her music career to take care of her. But one day, my father told her to make one more tour, a tour to celebrate her daughter's birth before she took a break. Unfortunately, my father convinced her ... and she never finished her tour."

Violetta listened very closely to what Angie had to say. As she imagined it, it seemed and felt very real in her head.

"My sister died in a car accident on the way to her last concert."

Vilu heard an imaginary crash sound in her head. It sounded so real, she couldn't stop seeing and hearing that scene in her brain. She closed her eyes to try to stop herself from crying, but tears managed to escape.

"I'm so sorry," Violetta said. "What was your sister's name?"

"Her name was Maria."

That made her cry even more. Maria was her mother's name too.

"What about her daughter? What happened to her?"

Vilu saw Angie's lips trembling some, as if she were fighting back her tears. "Her father thought it was my dad's fault that Maria died. So he packed his and her things and went away."

"Where?" Violetta almost couldn't talk. This story seemed as real as Angie standing in front of her.

"I don't know. I mean, I didn't know. Until now."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Maria, my sister, married the love of her life, Herman. Together, they had a beautiful little girl. Violetta, that little girl... is you."


Hey! It's me again! I made this chapter a little in a rush, but I had to add Olga, Angie, and Violetta like this, so sorry if this seemed a bit off topic.

Well, until next time, câlins et bisous💋

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