Chapter XIV

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"Violetta! Hey, Angie, she's waking up!" Fran whispered as she saw Violetta slowly coming to her senses.

Angie rushed to Violetta. When she finally opened her eyes completely and sat up, Angie said, "Oh, honey, you're alright!"

"What the freak just happened?" Violetta whispered. She looked around as she spoke. She was in a small room that felt even smaller with the three of them in it.

"You passed out, Vilu. It was nothing," Angie said, a bit of nervousness in her voice.

"No, it was clearly something, aun—I mean, Angie." She paused to see if Francesca had heard her almost say 'aunt', but luckily she was distracted by something she had just grabbed with both her hands. She turned to Angie. "Can we get out of here now? I'm sorta getting claustrophobic in here."

Francesca looked up and said, "What's castrophobric?"

"Never mind, Francesca," Angie said. She lent Violetta a hand and helped her to her feet.

Violetta placed her hand on her forehead and stumbled a bit. "Whoa, I'm dizzy."

Once she felt the world was coming to a slow stop, she started to walk out of the tiny room with the others.

"Francesca, Violetta, go back to the classroom. I've got something I need to do. You two make sure they don't get into any trouble," Angie said as she headed to a different direction.

"Yes, Miss," Francesca called back while Vilu nodded.

"By the way, what do you have there?" Violetta asked, pointing to Francesca's lightly clasped hands.

"Oh. Just my new friend." She cupped her hands to reveal a spider.

"A real ... and ... alive spider." Violetta said sort of in shock. She backed away a little.

"What's wrong, Vilu? You don't like spiders?" As Violetta shook her head no, Francesca said, "Why, they're the most sweet, kind, playful, loving, caring creatures of them all! Here, hold him."

Violetta backed away even more. "No thanks. How do you even know it's a he and not a she?"

"Well, it's easy, really. See, you touch it in its head. If he moves, it's a he, and if she moves, it's a she. Simple!"

"Really? Seriously?" Violetta said with no expression.

"Yes, realliously! He moved, so now I know it is a guy spider." Francesca may be somewhat dumb, but she surely was creative when she explained things this way.

They arrived to the classroom, and found the students busy writing whatever Angie might have told them to write.

The two sat down in their seats. Francesca placed her new friend on the desk, and began to also write while playing with the little spider.

Violetta shuddered. How can anyone love spiders? I mean, come on, they're spiders. Nasty little eight-legged monsters with I-don't-know-how-many eyes. Yughk.

Vilu noticed everyone was writing with all their might, even Francesca. She whispered, "What's the assignment about?"

Francesca stopped writing all of a sudden and looked to Violetta. "Can you not see what is written on the board?"

With that, Violetta looked up to the board and saw, For your writing assignment, write about what the Universe and our world mean to you. I will know who did their assignment, so no fooling around.

"No, I didn't see it until now," Violetta said. "It wasn't there a minute ago."

She looked to Francesca, who had scribbled down so much already that she was on the second sheet. Freak. These people were not kidding when they said this school was dedicated to learning. Why didn't I notice this before? Why are they suddenly so into this good-for-nothing, useless-for-my-future assignment?

Whatever, Violetta thought, and then began to write down things herself. She found that the thoughts in her mind had somehow traveled through to her hand, because now she was scribbling every single thing that came to her mind about the Universe.

Violetta was so caught up with what she was writing, she didn't notice it was already time for lunch. A thought came to her all of a sudden: lunch was at 12:30 in this school—had she really been gone for that long? Well, who knows? Better yet, who cares? She was hungry anyway. And plus, she might see a little someone on the way—



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