Chapter XII

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"It must be a typo," Violetta said. It was impossible this diary was written 116 years ago.

1901? She must have meant to write 2001.

She turned the page just to see if that date was written incorrectly compared to the other dates.

No—all of the following pages had the year 1901 written on them: June 27, June 28, June 29, all followed by 1901.

This must be some joke, Violetta thought, laughing inside. There is no way . . .

At that moment, Violetta felt somewhat dizzy. She felt she was going to faint, so she sat down to cushion the fall a bit.

The room spinning, and an uncomfortable buzzing noise all around her, led Violetta to think she heard a soft, sweet, melodious tune off in the distance before she passed out.


A loud knocking sound startled Violetta awake.

"Violetta! Open this door up! Don't you want to go to school today?"

It was her father.

Violetta looked out her window to see it was already morning. She felt she had slept for only five minutes or so.

Sleepily she walked over to her door and unlocked it. Her father saw her and placed a tiny worry line on his face.

"Vilu, what were you doing the whole night? You look like a zombie."

"Do I?" Violetta asked, careless.

"Well, actually, one of those pretty-looking zombies. Now come on, hurry up, before I'm late for work!"

Vilu groaned. She really didn't want to go to school today. What if Camilla the Monster tries to get her again?

She turned to stare at her bed. She had this overpowering urge to jump into that super warm, comfortable, relaxing bed and sleep forever.

Before doing that, she noticed something brown under her pillow. She walked over to it, and almost skipped a heartbeat when she saw what it was. The diary.

So it was real. Immediately, Violetta ran to her bathroom and did her morning routine, changed her clothes, and ran off to the car where her father was impatiently waiting for her.

"Finally," he said under his breath as he drove off before Vilu had the chance to close the door.

Once at school, she ran inside, paying no attention to the people around her. This time, she kind of knew where her classroom was, so she headed straight to it.

Dashing into the room, she did not notice Angie sitting right there in front of the classroom.

Violetta jumped when Angie spoke suddenly. "Hey, Violetta! Slow down there! You aren't late this time."

"Angie! I didn't notice you there... Um, did you know my mom kept a diary?"

Angie nodded slightly. "Hold on, did you find it?"

As Violetta raised the diary in front of her, Angie began to ask random questions:

"How? When? Who? Where? Why?"

"What?" a voice behind them said, startling both of them.

"Leon!" both Angie and Violetta said simultaneously.

"What were the two of you talking about?" he asked.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your class," Angie said, as if he were just another student.

"Sorry, I saw Violetta running down the hallway. What's wrong, Vilu?"

Instead of an answer, Leon received an enormous hug from Violetta.

"Leon! Thank you so much, my love!" She whispered the words 'my love' so that Angie wouldn't hear her.

Instead of hugging her back, Leon pulled away, pushing Violetta's arms from him.

"Sorry, Vilu. Hugs are not my thing," Leon said as he saw Vilu's surprised expression.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know," Violetta said, slightly stuttering. "Well, thank you anyway."

"For what?"

"For finding that key! Thanks to you, I found my mother's diary in that attic! I don't know when or how I did it, but I found it, all thanks to you."

Angie snapped her fingers when she saw Leon and Violetta starting to get a little too close. "Don't forget who's in here!" she said.

Ignoring her, Leon said, "Well, I guess I could hug you, just this once."

"No, Leon, don't," Angie warned.

Closer and closer the two of them got, and faster and faster their hearts beat. Once they got close enough to hug each other, Leon hesitated a bit, but then let himself go. Violetta, without any hesitation, reached out to him and embraced him with all her might.

Angie stood there behind them nervously clasping her hands, as if waiting for something to happen.

Since Leon was taller than Violetta, he could easily rest his head on her shoulder. He closed his eyes for a second, savoring the moment.

Angie then noticed his mouth twitching some. He opened his mouth into an awkward smile, displaying his radiant white teeth.

"Leon," Angie whispered.

Just when he was about to reach down to Violetta's unsuspecting neck, Angie shouted one last "Leon!" which caused him to break away from the hug, so abruptly he and Violetta both fell to the ground.

"Not in my classroom," Angie said, pretending that nothing had just happened.

Leon was the first one to get up, then he helped Violetta up. "I'm so sorry," he said.

"Sorry about what? You don't like hugs, I understand why you did that, why you pushed me like that."

"It's not that. It's . . . something else. I have to go, V." With that, he ran off to wherever his classroom may be, leaving Violetta with a question:

What was he talking about?

Or better yet; What has he been hiding from Violetta all this time?

Violetta had to find out, even if it was the last thing she would do.

There was a sudden loud bang off in the distance, and some screams, which caused Angie to run out of the room, high heels and all.

Or possibly the next thing I'll do, Violetta thought as she too walked off to where that noise had come from.


Two chapters this day peeps! Oh, and don't worry, you'll know everything about Violetta and the others soon enough♡

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