Chapter V

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Violetta was speechless. She couldn't even cry anymore. All she could do was look at Angie with a whole different perspective. She didn't see her as just a teacher anymore. She saw her as family, as her aunt.

Violetta saw Angie wanting to get closer to her. Vilu decided to run over to her and hug her tight.

"You are not mad at me, right?" Angie asked.

"How could I be? You told me something my dad never dared to tell me." Vilu released her from her hug. "Thank you so much... aunt Angie."

That made Angie smile from ear to ear. This was strange. A while ago she was just a stranger who somehow found out where Violetta lived, but now she was a part of her family.

"Now I know why we moved all around the world. My dad was trying to run away from the past. He should know that no one can escape the past, it always manages to catch up to you."

Violetta wiped her tears of joy away. "It's only been a day, and already this place feels like home, mainly thanks to you."

"Oh really?" Angie grabbed her into a small hug. "But can you do a favor for me?"

Vilu nodded.

"Please, don't tell your dad about what I just said."

"But why can't I?"

"I will tell him myself, alright? There is no need for you to waste your time trying to explain to him all this."

"OK. I promise I won't tell him." She looked around. "What time is it?"

Angie looked at her cell phone. "It is 6:52. It's still early. You want me to take you to school today?"

"Umm... OK. Let me just do something."

Violetta went outside to where Angie said Olga was. She found her singing that song again—it was getting kind of annoying, but still, Olga was Olga.

"Olga, could you do me a favor, please?"

Olga stopped singing and looked at Vilu. "Well of course, my dear! What can I do you for?"

"Can you please take part in a little secret?"

Olga thought for a second. "Ah, I see. You want me to tell your father that I took you to school, but actually Angie's gonna take you. Am I right?"

"Angie," Violetta whispered, then said, "How did you know that? Did you read my mind or something?"

"Well, maybe I did." Olga laid her hose down.

"OK? Well, will you tell him?"

"Why, of course I will my dear!" For some reason Olga sounded different.

"Alright then, thank you so much Olga, really." Violetta began to walk inside to get aunt Angie so they could go to school. That sounded a bit off. She had to get used to calling her "aunt."

On the way, Violetta felt Olga walking uncomfortably close to her.

"Olga, stop breathing on me like that! Are you feeling alright?"

Olga backed away. "Sorry Violetta, it's just that... I can't believe my little flower is blooming so pretty and so fast! I love you."

"I love you too, but right now I gotta get to school."

Violetta saw that Angie wasn't in the kitchen anymore. She was in the living room, holding a photo of Vilu's mom and dad and Violetta herself from more than 10 years ago.

Vilu cleared her throat to get Angie's attention.

"Oh, right. Let's go now," Angie said.

As she grabbed her backpack, Violetta saw Angie blinking her eyes  then rubbing them with her hand. Violetta knew exactly how she felt.

On their way, Angie and Vilu learned about each other, and about Maria. Violetta learned that her mother also sung that mysterious melody to Angie.

"Only problem is, when I try to hum it, it doesn't come out right anymore," Angie said.

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am. I don't know why, it started yesterday afternoon."

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your voice?" Vilu asked laughing a little.

"Vilu! How could you say that?" Angie began to laugh with her. "The sister of the world's best singer never detunes."

"That's weird, because I hummed it yesterday night and it came out perfectly. Do you know why it came out perfectly?" She paused for a second. "Because I am the daughter of the best singer in the world!"

"You like to brag, huh?" Angie said, grinning.

"No." Violetta didn't like to lie, but she also didn't want to admit she was a little bit of a bragger.

"So, how did you find my house?" Vilu asked.

"It was very simple. I just went to the principal's office and searched for your papers. Once I saw the address, I knew exactly where you lived."

Violetta nodded. "How did you know I was Maria's daughter? I mean, there are many other people who have this last name."

"But there is just one person who looks like my sister, and that person is you." Angie poked Violetta in her nose with her index finger, making Violetta giggle.

Violetta looked around for the first time since they went out of the house. "We're almost there, right Angie?"

"Yeah, how did you know? The school's a long way from here. You couldn't possibly see the school from all the way over here."

"No, it just suddenly came to me. Like dejà vu, like, I've seen this place before. That felt so weird..."

"OK, Violetta. You might have seen this place yesterday on the way to or from school. No need to panic so much."

"But I wasn't even paying attention to the road. I was daydreaming, so I couldn't possibly have—never mind. Let's just keep going."

They kept on walking.

Daydreaming. Leon. Today he's not getting out of her sight. She will find him, and he'll have to explain to her where he went yesterday and why he just left like that.

They finally reached the school, but when they were about to enter it, Angie stopped Violetta.

"You said you were daydreaming?" Violetta nodded. "With whom?" Angie asked her.

"Angie, you don't want me to be late again."

"Just tell me quickly. Who were you daydreaming about?"

Violetta thought, I have no other choice. She will find out sooner or later. And she's my aunt anyway, I should trust her.

So she told her.



So, how 'bout that? What might Angie think about this? Will she accept this or not? What about Violetta? What's gonna happen if Angie doesn't accept it?
Bonus question: What's up with Olga?
(Don't worry, these are just questions to think about, not answer—especially the bonus one😏) Laters!❤

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