Chapter VIII

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It was afternoon by then, and the warm sun made its way through the cold clouds.

That's when one random student blurted out: "Can we go in now? It's so hot."

Then another said: "Yeah, I'm roasting out here!"

Violetta looked around as she heard everyone talk at once. It's not that hot out here. Why, it's just like warm, spring weather.

She looked to where Leon was, and noticed he was beginning to perspire. "Hey, Leon, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little hot."

"Maybe it's because of those dark clothes you're always wearing," Violetta said as she now noticed she was the only one there with light-colored clothes on. The others wore either black, purple, red, or other dark colors Violetta had no idea existed.

She then noticed Federico rubbing his eyes. "Fran. I can't see! Fran! Where are you?"

Francesca immediately dragged her brother to the shadows of the trees, where most of the other students were now.

What is wrong with these people? It's like they're allergic to the sun or something.

Leon grabbed Violetta's hand and said, "Come on, let's go with them."

He nodded his head to where all those students were, and Violetta just followed his lead.

Once they got there, Violetta thought out loud: "What happened to Camilla?"

Leon hesitated for a while, then said, "She had another one of those tantrums of hers."

"Yeah, I understand that, but why did she almost slap me in the face and cause all this?" She waved her hands at the school and at the students around her.

Leon sighed a long, deep sigh. "We've had a long past together, Camilla and I. I believe she felt jealous about you being with me. I really don't know how angry she must have been to almost destroy this place."

"Yeah, but, the trembling and shaking..." Violetta said.

"You know what Vilu? I prefer not to answer any more questions about Camilla."

"You're right," Violetta agreed.

"Well, looks like we will not go into the school for today and we're still standing here doing nothing. Why don't we sneak out and possibly go to your house?" Leon proposed.

"Uhm, I don't know. I don't know what Olga might say about bringing someone to our house, especially a boy."

"Oh, come on! What do you want: stay here another hour in this burning sun doing nothing or relax in your comfy, cool house and hang out?"

He made a point right there. "Alright, but you have to leave before my father gets there. He'll literally kill me if he sees a guy in his house hanging out with me without his permission."

Once Violetta said this, a tiny smile formed on Leon's face. If she only knew, he thought.

Looking out for any teachers watching out for the students, they slowly escaped the school grounds and ran off, looking back once in a while to make sure no one was following them.

Once they felt they were at a safe distance, they began to talk.

"Leon, may I ask why those people were like, allergic to the sun? I mean like, you were sweating as if you were walking on the Death Valley desert, Fede almost couldn't see. Why was it?" Violetta asked him.

Leon cleared his throat. "Uh, like you said, it's because of these dark clothes we're always wearing. And Fede loves to play around and receive attention."

Violetta looked at him suspiciously. "I don't think that's the answer."

"Well, if you don't think it's the correct answer, then it isn't the correct answer."

"You don't wanna tell me, don't you?" Violetta asked.

"No I do not, to be honest," Leon responded. "If I did, I believe you might never go into that school again."

Vilu, looking at Leon in a confused way, decided it was best to leave the conversation at that. It was all so confusing, her head almost exploded with so many things tangled in her mind. Leon and his cute self, Angie suddenly telling her she's her aunt, Camilla almost hurting her and almost destroying the school, the students acting really strange and hiding from the sun, Leon not telling her what was up with them, and now her inviting him to hang out in her house, knowing her father might arrive at any minute. It was much more than Violetta's brain could handle at once.

"So, do you like flowers?" Leon asked out of nowhere, causing Vilu to stop thinking.

"What?" Violetta said. "Oh, yeah, I like flowers. But at a far distance."

"Why?" Leon asked.

"I don't really know. I guess I'm allergic to the pollen or something. My father never lets me smell them or even touch them."

Leon smiled a mysterious smile. "That's what I wanted to hear," he said.

"What? Are you allergic too?"

"No, but in a way yes."

"You're such a mysterious guy, Leon," Violetta said, grinning.

Leon shrugged his shoulders, in his mind saying, If you only knew.

"Look, we're here," Violetta said as she pointed to a wooden fence that stretched a pretty long distance.

As they entered through the door of the fence, Violetta looked all around to see if anyone was spying on them.

Leon looked at the front of the house with wide eyes. "I thought you said you were allergic to flowers," he said as he stared at all those flowers in the front yard.

"'Course I am. But I'm not allergic to looking at them or making the place look prettier."

"Right." Leon looked a bit surprised.

Violetta, now on the doorway, told Leon, "Coming?"

Violetta opened the door and entered just as Leon was halfway to the door. There was a rose on the very edge of the sidewalk, and as Leon walked past it, the rose dried up. Leon realized this had happened, so he ran all the way to the door and dashed inside. I hope she didn't notice that, he thought.

Violetta came out of a room on the right side of the door—no, it wasn't a room, it was a kitchen.

"Are you alright?" she asked. "It looks as if you've seen a ghost."

"Huh?" Leon asked.

"You're as white as snow," she said.

"Oh, that's nothing. I've always looked like this."

"You didn't look like that at school—you know what? Whatever. Olga isn't here, so we can talk freely and in private. Let's just keep an eye out for my dad."

"He won't be here until another two hours," Leon said.

"What? How do you know?"

"I can see the future," Leon said.

To Violetta, it sounded as if he were joking. "You are so funny, Leon."

They both laughed for a while, until Violetta stopped laughing abruptly.

"Can you?"

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