Chapter X

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Violetta almost dropped her phone after she read the message. She was kind of shocked and glad at the same time. She responded:

'Leon Vargas? Is this you?'

'Yes it is,' he answered.

Violetta smiled. 'How about instead of texting, we make our first call?'

'Yeah that would be awesome. I'll call you'

'K,' Vilu responded.

She looked out her window in the meantime, and saw her father still out there. He was busy plucking the dried up rose and throwing it aside.

Her phone rang suddenly, and then she literally dropped it.

Picking it up, she answered it as fast as she could.

"Hey, Leon!" Violetta said before Leon could say anything.

"Hey Vilu," Leon said. "I can't help but say I missed you."

"What do you mean, Leon? We just saw each other for three hours some 25 minutes ago."

Violetta heard Leon sigh a long, deep sigh. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this day to come."

"What are you talking about Leon? Can't we have a not-so-confusing conversation for once? Please?"

"Alright. Sorry. I guess I am just stressed out by all that has happened today."

"Yeah, I'm stressed out too. My dad almost caught me touching a flower," Violetta said, rolling her eyes as she remembered her father's expression.

"Did he?" he said, almost as a statement, not a question.

"Yes, but the thing was, that flower was dried. That's why I wanted to touch it. We almost got into a fight."

"Just because of that flower?" Leon asked.

"Well, kinda. I found out what that key you found opens."

"Wow, that was quick."

"It opens the door to the attic. I found so many cool things in there—my mother's things. Leon, you won't believe how thankful I am. If you had never come here, I might have never suspected my father hid so much for so long. I wonder if Olga or Ramallo know about this too. Leon, you still there?"

There was a momentary pause until Leon finally answered, "Yeah, I'm here."

"Are you even listening to me, Leon? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Vilu. Francesca suddenly came and barged into my room." He paused for a second. "Don't ask. I'll answer your question for you: Fran, Fede, and me visit each other sometimes. I mean, that is what a family's supposed to do, stay close to each other."

"Wait, hold on. Did you say Fran, Fede, and you are family?"

"Distant. But still."

To Violetta, Francesca and Federico seemed to be everywhere. "Could you possibly let me speak to Francesca for a bit?"


"Oh, come on! Just for a bit! Or what? Were you just making up an excuse and you were really not paying any attention to me?"

No answer.


Then a voice of a girl startled Vilu: "Hey there! This is Francesca at your service. What can I do for you today, kind, young lady?"

"Francesca! You almost scared me!" Violetta said. She heard Fran laugh. "So, how's it been going Caviglia? Or should I say, ankle?"

Violetta was the one to laugh this time.

"How did you find out?" She gasped. "Do you know Italian too?"

"No, actually, someone told me. Hey, Fran, I just wanted to know what happened back there with Fede. Is he alright?"

"Uh... yeah, he...he is fine. It happens once in a while, but he gets over it."

"What's wrong with him?"

A millisecond later, Francesca answered: "Nothing."

"Uh, okay? Well, that's all I wanted to know."

"What? You're just worried about my bro and not me?" Francesca sounded insulted, but then laughed, which caused Vilu to laugh also.

"Francesca, you know I'd worry about you too," Violetta said. She was about to say something else when her father opened the door to her bedroom, almost giving Violetta a heart attack.

"Who are you talking to?" he asked.

"Francesca. A friend. From school."

"Violetta? Violetta!" Francesca was saying through the phone.

With that, Vilu's father nodded his head in a convinced manner and closed the door as calm as calm could possibly get.

"Vilu?" Francesca asked again.

"Yeah? Sorry, my father got into my room. Can you pass me Leon? I wanna talk to him for a bit."

"So you want to talk with your boyfriend more than your best friend?"

"Boyfriend? He's not my—Fran, please."

She heard Francesca chuckle.

"What's up, V?" It was Leon.

"Leon! I hope you didn't hear all that nonsense."

"Of course I did. I hear all kinds of nonsense every single day. Just kidding."

Violetta then remembered why she needed to talk to him. "So, I was thinking, I'll go to the attic again and I'll try to find whatever else my dad's hiding from me."

"I daresay that is a great idea." There was a pause. "I'm sorry Vilu. I have to go. Fede's calling me and Francesca will not go and help him."

Violetta could hear Federico's voice off in the distance. "He's more like yelling at you. Alright, Leon, see you tomorrow. Love you."

Violetta's eyes widened when she realized what she just said. Did I just say I love him?

"I love you too. Bye."

Before Leon or Violetta had hung up, Violetta heard a loud bang on Leon's end.

"What was that?" Violetta managed to say, just in time before Leon had a chance to hang up.

"It was Fede. He slammed into the door. I hope his eyes get better before tomorrow. I would not want to be his servant, not with Camilla around."

"True," Violetta said.

"Well, now I really have to go. He can't find the doorknob and he's making such a racket about it." She heard him laugh a bit. "Well, see you my love."

"See you. Bye," Violetta said, and finally hung up.


So, what do you think Vilu will find in the attic? Here's a hint: Secrets, secrets, secrets...

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