Chapter 10 Lush Life

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( Don't play song till told. P.s expect a long chapter)
Y/N's Pov

I sat on the couch, and turned on the tv. It was Mettaton. And he's hiring!" Okay, now I regret saying I would have gone to Texas, amazing hotel, and now a job offer off the bat? This is amazing." I said out loud. He said job offers end the 13th. It's the 9th. His number appeared at the bottom of the screen. I put it in my phone. I watched the show until it was over, I wanted to know who I was working with. I shrugged." Doesn't seem bad." I said smiling. I grabbed my phone again. I clicked on the number I put in. It began to ring." Hello~ what can I do for you darling!" Mettaton asked." I wanted to ask about the job? I was wondering, if I apply, what will I be doing?" I asked kindly." Well darling~, my old dance partner quit, so I'm looking for a new partner. One question dear~, can you dance?" He asked. My smiled widened." Yes! Yes I can!" I said happily." Good, meet me here in 15 minutes." He said exitedly." Um... how do I get there? I just moved here not to long ago." I said scratching the back of my neck. He gave me directions." Thanks! I'll be there as soon as I can! I can't promise anything, but I'll be there!" I said all giddy like. I hung up after he did. I grabbed my keys and ran out of the room. I ran to the elivater. I waited for it to come to the 2nd floor. It opened and I stepped in. It was already going to the 1st floor so I just waited. What I didn't know was, Mettaton was right next to me. It opened and I stepped out. I walked out of the hotel and waited for a cab. I ran over to one that was open. It was the same one." Hello again!" I said happily." Where to?" He asked smiling. I gave him the directions, and he drove off. He stopped in front of a big dance studio. I stepped out and payed him. I waved as he left. I looked duplicate at the dance studio. My smile widened a little." Is this heaven or what! I haven't danced in so long!" I said hopping up and down. I looked at the door. Mettaton was waiting. I walked up to him." Hello darling~, are you the one who asked about the job?" He ands ked smiling. I nodded. He took my hand and we walked into the studio. He brought me into on of the many room." What do you dance darling?" He and skeins ked kindly." Hip-Hop." I said smiling. He nodded. He played my favorite song. Lush Life. ( Play song ) I began to dance with the beat of the song, I know all of the Hip-Hop moves. I've danced to this more than anything. Mettaton watched my every move and nodded as I danced. I loved dancing........ I hate to say it. But I like dancing... more than Sans.

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