Chapter 8 New York City

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Y/N's Pov

I heard the door open as I woke up. I sat up in my bed listening to the foot steps. Suddenly they stopped. I looked at my bedroom door. There stood Sans in the door frame smirking. I looked away." What do you want?" I asked angrily."...... to say goodbye." He said softly as I looked at him confused." Well your a little to late. I'm leaving." I said trying to walk out of the room but him stopping me by grabbing my waist. I didn't even pay attention to the fact that he was holding on to my waist. I was angry as fuck." Let... the fuck... go." I said angrily. I really had to leave. My flights in an hour and the airports 30 minutes away." No.. Y/N, your not leaving me! I just got the chance to come see you! And your gonna Fucking leave!" He yelled." Well maybe I wouldn't be leaving if you were Fucking here in the past, let's see, like 3 weeks!" I yelled back. He just looked at me. He let go. I walked into the living room. I grabbed my bags. He just followed me. He Fucking knows I hate when people follow me. I walked out of the house closing the door before he could get out. I looked back once. Then walked towards my car. I put my bags in the trunk. I closed the trunk. I walked to the door of my car. I was hesitant but opened it. I got in and drove to the airport. It was a quiet ride. I'm used to having Pap with me when I go places. I sighed. I made it to the airport. I grabbed my bags airport was a salted in. I walked through the crowds of people. I did all that crap you have to do. ( I don't feel like writing it.) And went on the plane. I sat down. I looked out the window. I chose an inside seat. I like to look out the windows when I go places. Especially if I'm not driving of what ever. Soon enough we were off. I watched as my home town slowly dissappeared. A tear rolled down my cheek. I never knew how much it would hurt.

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