The Hook Up

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New Mafia book! Hopefully my writing is getting better!!! This is the first book in the "His" Trilogy and I Hope you guys like it. I had to put my last Mafia book on hold so this is making up for that💋Enjoy it.


I felt so out of place standing there in that tightly compacted club with the smell of sweat and alcohol clinging to the air. This was not my scene and I had no idea why I had come. Yes, Julia was getting married and this was her party and not mine, but I would've just preferred staying in and watching a movie or two with mounds of candy and popcorn. But that was just me. A few bodies bumped into mine and I apologized, but the people didn't seem to really care. They ignored me and kept dancing to the blaring music. I could feel the bass vibrate all the way through my small body.

I had to get out of here.

I searched around for Julia with no luck and I was about to leave when a pair of chocolate brown eyes caught mine. It was a man sitting all alone with a drink in his hands, sipping it gingerly while watching me. Would he think I was dumb for not ever ordering a drink? Well, now was the moment of truth because he was walking towards me. As he approached, his figure grew taller than I thought. I felt my eyes widen as he stood before me.

"A drink for the Principessa."(Princess) He said to the bartender. Oh, God, he was Italian and his voice was like hot fudge and caramel drizzled over a vanilla sundae. He handed me the liquid and I muttered a "thank you" while sipping a little. "This doesn't seem like where you want to be,bellissima."(Gorgeous)

"Oh, it isn't."

"Why are you here then? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

"My friend is getting married and she wanted to come here for her Bachelorette party."

"Ah, io vedo."(I see)

"Yeah." I drank the rest and he ordered us more. I then realized I was drinking with a man I didn't even know. "I didn't get your name."

"I am Gabriel Arlo."

"Vanessa Kit." We shook hands and took another drink. "I detect an accent. Italian?"

"That's correct." He smiled at me. His smile shook me to the core, making him look even more attractive then before.

"Conosco un po 'di italiano." (I know some Italian) He seemed shocked when I spoke to him. His eyes widened and filled with wonder.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were from Italy. Your pronunciation is perfetto." (Perfect)

"Thank you." I smiled, taking yet another drink. I was starting to feel the familiar buzz of being drunk. My gaze felt a little hazy and Gabriel looked absolutely delicious in his black tux and fluffy hair I just couldn't resist. My hand traveled up his chest to his soft hair. His eyes closed as I ran my fingers through it, sighing softly. When his eyes opened they seemed quite a bit darker, almost black, then when I last saw them two seconds ago.

Before I could register what was happening, he took me by the waist and was kissing me, furiously. I gasped and his skilled tongue slipped in, making moan. It vibrated our lips and he pulled me closer, deepening our kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying the attention he was giving me.

"Come home with me?" He asked, breaking our embrace. I nodded and he shined his brilliant smile. I texted Julia I was going and chuckled at the thought that she wouldn't look at it until tomorrow morning. "This way." He said, leading me out of the doors and into a sleek, black limousine.

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