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Hello, my loves. This is an extremely cute chapter and we'll get to that in a second. In case I do not update on Christmas like I did on Thanksgiving I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! That you all so much for your support, votes, and all those adorable comments. You beauties are the best followers anyone could ask for!

Today, you inspired me. As I looked to see where you guys were from(don't worry I'm not a stalker it only shows me the country in which you are from) I hadn't noticed that you darlings are literally from everywhere! I have at least one person following me on ever continent and that is SUPER amazing🤘🏻 Thank you all so much for following me and enjoy this chapter, Lovely💕


I woke up cuddled to Gabriel's side. I scooted in closer as he held me tight. I smiled as I heard him slightly snore above me. I ran my hand through his hair and down his chest and lickable abs. I knew he wasn't asleep anymore. His breath became hastily as I kissed up his chest to his jaw to his cheeks and paused at his lips, pulling back. He sighed and put a hand on my face.

"I'm sorry, angelo, for keeping things from you,"  he whispered, playing with my hair. "But my family is...complicated and I'm not talking about my Mafia Family. I promise to tell you everything one day. I love you, Vanessa, and I'm so glad I met you that night. I'm glad I hit on you, I'm glad I took you to my home, and I'm thankful for every single time we made love that night." He kissed me and I could feel his emotion through his lips. How could I say no to him? How could I not forgive him?

I didn't get to say much because I suddenly had to vomit. I raced out of his arms and to the toilet where all my contents were emptied. I felt Gabriel holding my hair back, whispering comforting words to me. He rubbed my back and helped me stand. I brushed my teeth and squealed when Gabriel swept me up and took me to bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he fell into bed. I sighed at the fact that we would have to get up soon. No doubt Edna would come up here to serve us breakfast that Julio had made for us. I stretched and made my way to the shower, ignoring Gabriel's protests. I felt the warm water rush over my back as I stood there. I was in the middle of washing my hair when two strong arms wrapped around my waist and lips went to my neck. I held back the slight moan that threatened to escape as he assaulted my neck.

"Edna came with breakfast. I didn't want to eat without you so I just came in," he said, replacing my hands with his and massaging my head. 

"Mhmmm," I sighed in content.

After our very interesting shower...that took about an hour or two. He dried me off and we walked to the bedroom whilst he was feeling me up. I smacked his hand from my thigh, giggling. I sat down on our bed and dug in to my breakfast. Hey, I was pregnant, I had a right to eat what I wanted. I hadn't noticed that Gabriel had his phone out and was recording me.

"Stooooop," I whined. "This is an invasion of privacy." He laughed and continued while I proceeded to tell him to quit. This went on for too long and when I'd finally had enough of this I scooped some scrambled eggs onto my fork, held the handle whilst pulling back the top, and released, slinging egg over his face. I giggled at the face he was making. He was both surprised and disgusted. He looked at me and I suddenly wondered if that had been a baaaaaad idea.

"Now,angelo, that wasn't very nice."

"Neither was your recording me."

"Well, I wanted to see you after I went to work today."

Awww. He was so cute! How could I turn him down? Find the strength, Vanessa! But I couldn't. He just was so kind and oh, I couldn't believe this man was in the Mafia. I sighed and look at him, shaking my head. "I can't believe you're in the Mafia."

"And why is that?" He seemed genuinely confused with a bit concern edging his voice at my statement.

"Because you're a big teddy bear," I laughed.

He scowled. "I am not a teddy bear."

"Yes, you are."

"If anything I am a tiger...or a lion."

"You know what that means, right?"

"What does it mean, sweet angelo?"

"It means you're a big pussy."

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