The Arlo Family Secrets

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I had just put the twin in their cribs for their afternoon nap when Gabriel came in to kiss them goodnight. It was hard to believe that not even a month ago he had killed my best friend from college, but then again it was also hard to believe that Andy had threatened the entire building with a bomb. I suppose that was the only way to ensure that he wouldn't hurt anyone, but I still felt the loss. It was a big shock that he was Gabriel's brother too and it unsettled me how easily Gabriel had pulled the trigger.

"I need to talk to you," he whispered. I just nodded and turned around, grabbing one of the baby monitors and flipping it on. We walked down to the living room where we joined his parents and Jacob, all sitting on couches and chairs. We sat on the love seat and there was absolute silence between all of us. No one had spoken of what happened at the hospital to anyone, especially not each other. "There are things about this family that you know and other things that you don't," Gabriel started. "I was the middle child of the Arlo family. My brother, Malcolm, was the oldest. We were only a year apart and we were very close. Then a couple years after me came Jacob and life was amazing."

Sylvia sniffled and blowed her nose. Something big was coming. "I would like to tell this part," Antonio said, wrapping his arms around his wife. "I want to say this before I tell you anything. I love Sylvia dearly. She is the only woman I'd ever had in my life and we have been together since we were teens. What I did was a youthful mistake that led to other things. When I was on a trip to the United States I went to a club with one of my co-workers. We got so drunk and I...met another woman and I-I-I cheated on Sylvia." I could tell how hard it was for Sylvia to keep it together. It didn't matter how long ago it was the pain was still fresh. I knew how that was. "I had to face what I did and it wasn't easy. I almost lost my family because of that, but out of that night Alejandro came."

"Just a sec, dad," Jacob said. "We loved Alejandro, Vanessa, he wasn't a half brother to us just our brother. We lived in Italy and he lived in the U.S which was hard, but luckily dad paid for him and his mother to move in with us. Her and mom were best friends. They loved each other and when Alejandro grew up that disturbed him. When he was 16 he finally asked us why he had two moms and only one dad. We all sat down and told him everything that we've told you."

"After we told him he started not to see us as his brothers anymore," Gabriel said, looking down. "I think out of all us boys Malcolm loved him the most. He was the baby brother, you know. Two years after telling Alejandro the truth behind our family he and Malcolm got into a fight. Alejandro had a drinking problem and he was only 18. Malcolm was always very protective of him and Jacob because they were the youngest. He didn't want them to have any part of the Mafia business at all, but Alejandro wanted desperately to be in it. I don't know if he didn't want to be left out or what, but he wanted to enter and Malcolm wouldn't let him. Malcolm had caught Alejandro out with his buddies, drinking himself a fool. He dragged him out of that alleyway and was scolding him in the kitchen about making better choices in life. Alejandro had heard the speech so many times before. "I'm tired of you telling me what to do," he'd said to him,"Just leave me the f*ck alone". Malcolm hadn't given up on his baby brother's life, but Alejandro had. H-H-He pulled a gun out on Malcolm and...and shot him." Sylvia burst in to tears and I felt mine own stream down my cheeks. "Then he went up to his mother's room and killed her too, leaving the house." Gabriel put his elbows on his knees and covered his face. "You may be asking how I know all this...Malcolm told me himself before he died. I came home and went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat, but what I saw made me lose my appetite...he was there in a pool of his own blood. I ran over to him and he told me what happened. He told me he loved me then he died in my arms," he cried. 

I rubbed his back, trying to sooth him. He had been through so much. His family had been through so much. It made my life look like a cake walk. "We found out he killed his mother when we watched the cameras and found her body on the floor," Sylvia spoke up. "I loved Alejandro like he was my son, Vanessa. It didn't matter that he didn't come from me. He was still my son just like Jacob, Gabriel...and Malcolm. They're all my boys. After he did what he did I guess he went back to America and met you."

"I never saw Andy with a drop of alcohol. In fact, he told me he hated it," I whispered. "I had no idea..." 

"No one would have," Antonio said. 

"At least he cleaned up like Malcolm wanted,"Jacob said. "I found him again after that and kept an eye on him just to make sure he was okay and to warn anyone if he was to try and harm anyone. I know I didn't tell any of you, but-"

"Then why didn't you tell us about what he was going to do at the hospital?!" Gabriel shouted.

"He hadn't said anything! That was completely unexpected."

"I-I'm so sorry for what your family has endured over the years," I said to them. 

"Everything has been better since you've been with Gabriel," Sylvia said. "And the twins are absolutely gorgeous. We all adore them."

"Yes," they all said, nodding. 

"We want you a part of this family, Vanessa," Antonio said. 

"I do too," I agreed. 

This was my family and we would continue to endure every obstacle...together.

So that was this chapter and it was super long so I hope you guys liked it. I know it was a bit heavy, but I hope it was still enjoyable. I hope it also clears a few things up.

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