The Time In Between

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"Where are my shoes?!"

"In the closet!"

"Where in the closet?!"

"Where all your shoes are!"

"That doesn't help!" I whined, sitting on the bed. I didn't feel like doing anything, I mean, I'm fat now so I can't do anything. "Baaaaaaby, come get my shoooooes!"



"I'm in the kitchen why can't you get them?"

"Excuse me?! Why can't I get them?! I'm pregnant, ya asshole!"

"Swearing does not suit your beautiful voice, angelo,"He answered more calm this time, coming to our room. He disappeared in the closet and comes out with a pair of my slippers. "Here."

I pouted. "Those are the wrong ones."

"Are you serious?" He complains.

I smile. "No. These are perfect, thank you."

He sighs, but kisses my forehead and heads back down to finish whatever he was doing before. I wondered if I could get him to come back and put them on my feet. I contemplated for a moment, but decided against it, not wanting to need his assistance any longer. I was a strong independent woman, a strong and independent pregnant woman that is. I put on my slippers and made my way down the stairs ever so carefully. As soon as I smelt bacon, the baby lept inside me. It likes bacon. This is without a doubt, most defiantly my child. I could not live without my precious bacon and thankfully Gabriel knew that. 

I sat down at the kitchen island and Gabriel served me without a word. I wondered were Julio was, but the thought disappeared as soon as the food hit my tongue. It tasted just like Julio's and it was amazing. I had no idea he was such an amazing cook! I gorged down the entire plate, looking up at Gabriel who had a shocked look to his face. 

"Sorry," I chuckled, nervously. "I was kind of hungry." He just sat there for a few minutes I was afraid I had totally disgusted him until he busted out laughing. "What?"

"That was...oh God, that was funny. I wish I had a picture of it." I rolled my eyes and went to rinse out my dishes when he stopped me, taking my plate and rinsing it himself. 

"I could've done that, you know."

"I know, angelo, but I wanted to."


"Because I like doing things for you."

"I suppose that's reasonable." 

He chuckled. "Si." I sat on the couch in the living room and turned on the news, not expecting to see anything remotely interesting, but something caught my eye.

"Good morning and welcome to CSC News I'm Angelina Jones and  today's latest story is a shocker. The world's richest bachelor is a bachelor no more! Gabriel Arlo has been seen with a mystery woman who appears to be pregnant. The couple were spotted in multiple areas holding hands, kissing and Gabriel was even seen rubbing her stomach. Watch this video of the proud father. So cute...look at that. Well, congratulations to the Arlo family on their first grandchild. Ever since the Arlo's terrible tragedy back in 2011 the family has found it hard to move on, but now it seems that everything is looking up for their family. An-"

Before I could hear any more the television was turned off. I turned to see Gabriel with the Master Remote in hand, glaring at the screen. I could tell he wasn't happy with the report and I could understand why. It was an invasion of privacy in a way, but what happened to his family that caused them to be so sad all the time? Why was it shocking that he had moved on from it? Was it a girl? 

"What was that for?"

"I don't like reporters. They tell all sorts of lies," He said, gruffly.

"I was watching that."


"So it's rude to just turn off the T.V when someone is watching it."

"So? It's my house. I'll do what I want."

He wasn't seriously pulling the 'my-house-my-rules' card. "I wanted to watch."


"Why not?" I countered.

"It's none of your damn business is why!" I flinched at his sudden change in volume. "My family has nothing to do with you! You're just some girl I have to take care of because I couldn't keep it in my pants!" 

He stormed out and I could feel hot tears burning down my cheeks. So that's how he really felt about me. I was just some girl he knocked up. He doesn't even care about me or this baby. I couldn't leave without risking the life of my baby, but I certainly didn't want to stay. I sobbed on the couch until I fell asleep.

Such a sad chapter, but it makes you wonder why Gabriel is so defensive about his family's past, huh? 

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