Chapter 3: Katniss' Horrific Past

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Katniss' POV

I take a deep breath and head through the crowd and towards the table that Peeta and his cocky volleyball friends are seated at. I reach their table and stand there like an idiot statue, unable to form words that will actually make any sense. I see Peeta turn his head towards me and then his jaw drops to the ground as his eyes gaze over my body. Ugh, I'm going to kill Johanna.

"Well, HELLO, hot stuff," One of his friends says, in what I think is supposed to be a seductive voice. I roll my eyes and scan the group. There are 4 of them here. "What would you like off the menu?" I say, ignoring their flirtatious comments that are headed in my direction.

"Well, honey, I would like a tall glass of you." The same guy from before speaks up. "I'm Finnick, by the way." He flashes me a smile and I think to myself , 'Why not? I'm gonna give them what they deserve.' I bat my eyelids and smile down at him.

"Well, I'm sure we could maybe make a few arrangements to the menu, if that's what you're looking for." I say in a seductive tone and I bend over to reach the other guys menus from the opposite side of the table. I see all of their eyes widen and I can see Peeta giving Finnick a death glare as he and I flirt with each other.

"I-I-I..." Finnick stutters, trying to get his words out. "Stop gaping like a fish, you look like an idiot." I say to him with a smirk and the whole table erupts in "Ooooh's" and laughs.

"So what will it be then?" I say, turning to Peeta. He is still staring up and down my body, and I don't think he realises that I'm talking to him.

"He's not gonna talk when you're dressed in that outfit, he's lucky he hasn't expl--" The blond guy is cut off when the dark haired guy clamps his hand over his mouth quickly. He whispers something in his ear and they both fall into a fit of chuckles.

"I'm Cato and this is Gale." The blond guy says, "Yes, and it is a pleasure to meet you miss... What's your name?" I hesitate before saying, "Why should I tell you my name?" They look at each other and then turn back to me. This was not going to their plan.

"Uhhh..because....uhhhh....quick, think of something!" Cato whisper-yells to Gale and Gale looks dumbstruck. "Nah, man, you're the one that comes up with the good comebacks." I roll my eyes at their childishness, and turn to Finnick and Peeta.

"I'm gonna go. If you're not going to order, then I'm just gonna go." I make to turn around but Finnick reaches out and grabs my arm. I spin back around and look at him impatiently. "We'll have 4 of the most expensive beer you got and I'll take your phone number with that." Ugh, does he ever give up?

"Sure, sure," I say over my shoulder as I walk back to the bar, making sure that I sway my hips as I go.

I quickly go into the staff room and pull out a piece of paper and write down Haymitch's house phone number and then write 'Katniss Everdeen' on the top of it. I'm gonna laugh so hard at Prim's reaction when he calls.

I walk back out to their table with their beers and the number. I set the drinks down and then slip the number in front of Finnick. He stares at me, shocked. "I-I didn't think you would actually give me your number," he says. "Well then, you don't know me very well." I say, before I walk back off to the bar to continue my shift for tonight.

After another few long and agonising hours of waitressing, I finally get to go home... Well, to Johanna's home. We pack up the hob and lock up, and then walk down a block to her apartment complex. It's the same one that I just bought my apartment in. "We live in the same building," I say to her and she smiles at me. "Awesome, this is gonna be so fun." We walk up to her room and once we get inside I immediately throw my bags on the floor.

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