Chapter 15: Over Excited

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One week later and I am completely over being sick. Peeta has practically been living at my apartment. He doesn't want to leave me alone.

I lay on the couch waiting for Peeta to come home from his shift at the bakery, hopefully with food because it's dinner time and I'm starving.

I lay staring at the ceiling. I roll onto my side and grab the TV remote. I flick through all the channels but there is nothing interesting on.

I groan and press the red power button. I look at the clock; 5:15pm. How has Peeta only been gone for 15 minutes? This is going to be a long 2 hours.

It was sweltering hot in here so I strip down to my underwear and turn on the fan, standing in front of it so my face gets the full impact of air.

After about five minutes I start to get a headache so I flop down on the couch and pull out my iPhone. Scrolling through it I found there was nothing to do.

I called Annie but she didn't pick up. I called Madge, but she didn't pick up either. I called Johanna and she picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, brainless,"

"Hey Jo, I'm bored, can you come over?" I whine.

"No, I'm not at home."

"Where are you?" I ask.

"At the bakery talking to your boyfriend while he's on his shift".

"Awwww, that's not fair," I complain, "Can you put him on?" I ask.

"Hang on," I hear her talking to someone and then she comes back and talks to me. "Peeta said as much as he loves you baby, he can't talk because he needs to make you food for dinner so you're not in a shitty mood."

I frown but then I realise that he is making me food and that puts me in a better mood.

"I'm dying! It's so hot today!" I say, frustrated with how hot it is.

"Ugh, oh my God, I know right! Hey, how are you feeling by the way, your boyfriend wants to know."

"Oh, I'm feeling completely fine, apart from the fact that I am not only dying of heat but also dying of boredom."

I wait for a reply but one never comes. I take the phone away from my ear and realise it's turned off, disconnecting the call.

Only now do I realise how hot my phone is. I press the middle button to turn it back on but it comes up with a message saying:


iPhone needs to cool down before you can use it.

I frown and let out a growl. Now what am I going to do?

I flop backwards on the couch once again super bored. I check my phone, still not cooled down.

And then I get an idea. I stand up and grab my phone, walking into the kitchen. I put my phone in the freezer and plan to come and get it in five minutes.

I walk back to the couch and slowly drift off to sleep.

"Kat," I feel someone shake my shoulders.


I feel someones lips on mine and my eyes fly open. Peeta laughs and pulls away.

"How are you?" He asks me. I spy the large bakery bag he has in his hands and my eyes widen.

"Food!" I snatch the bag from him and start taking out everything that Peeta made today. He stares at me in shock.

I stuff a cheese bun in my mouth and smile and close my eyes at how good it is. Peeta sits next to me and goes to take a cheese bun but I swat his hand away.

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