Chapter 8: Was I too late?

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Katniss' POV

Why did I freaking run away? That's all I ever away from my problems. Pft, like that's ever going to solve them. All it does is push everything away until I have to deal with it at an even less convinent time.

I hate myself for running away from him. Hell, I don't even know why I did. Did I want to be kissing him? I know for sure that I liked it, but was I ready for that?

I run all the way to Johanna's apartment and pound on the door until she opens.

"Katniss,, what the hell happened to you?" She asks. "He kissed me! He kissed me! HE FREAKING KISSED ME!" I screamed the last part as I strode into her apartment, my fingers tangling into my hair in stress.

"Oh Katniss, why dont you just sit down and calm down." She says, pushing me onto the couch.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to act about this, Johanna. I'm so confused! One minute I want to attack him with my lips and then the next I'm running away, as per usual!"

"Well, are you listening to your heart or your mind? Katniss, you know sometimes...actions speak louder than words." Johanna could have a point there. "Think about it, Katniss. Deep down, what do you really want?"

I close my eyes and think. I try to list all the pros and cons that there were of being in a relationship with Peeta.

"I think I made a mistake." I whisper. Oh, how could I be so stupid?

"Then go get him hotcakes! That boy wants you!" I laugh at her use of words and stand up boldly. "I need to find him now." And with that I run out of her apartment and back towards the beach. I can faintly see Peeta still standing in the same spot.

As I get closer and closer to him I start to notice that he is in a funny position to be standing alone. I am about 5-10 metres away when I realise that he is not alone.

In fact he is standing there kissing a familiar looking girl with blonde hair. Although I can't quite make out who she is in the dark. I feel betrayed and hurt. Even though I know I ran away from him, I came back to get him didn't i?

I let out a gasp and Peeta pulls away. His eyes widen when he sees me standing there. I feel the tears prick my eyes and start to roll down my face.

"Katniss, I can ex-" "No! Don't even talk to me!" and with that I turn and run back down the beach.

I burst through Johanna's door without even bothering to knock.

"Katniss, whats wrong?" She asks when she sees my tears.

"I was too late." I wailed and I fell down onto the ground crying.

Damn it, Katniss!

"Why does it always take me so long to realise that I love someone"? I ask Jo though my tears.

"Katniss, you've had a terrible past. You can't keep blaming yourself for these things." she says pulling me in for a hug.

"I think I love him, and I can't keep doing this anymore, Jo! But I was too late." I say through tears.

"No Katniss, do not give up! You love him and now you need to show him that! Tomorrow is another beach volleyball game. Show up there and show Peeta that he is your man!" She kinda has a point there. That might be a pretty good idea.

"Ok. Thanks Jo, I will do that." I say. "That's my girl, now you go get some sleep so that you can look smoking for Peeta tomorrow." I giggle and pull away from the hug. "Thanks Jo." I say as I head out the door and back to my apartment a few doors down.

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