Chapter 32: 3 Months and Pregnant

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"I'm going to miss you so much, please be safe and don't think about Madge too much." I say and I throw my arms around Gale's neck in a tight hug. "I will, don't worry about me. You just focus on yourself and the baby. Oh, and don't go insane when Peeta leaves for a month." He laughs and I give him a glare.

"I can live without Peeta for a month." I say stubbornly, crossing my arms in front of my chest, and everyone snickers. "What? Huh? I can!" I say and then I realise that even Peeta isn't defending me. I glare at him. "You're my boyfriend, you're supposed to be on my side here." I say.

"What sides, Kat?" He laughs. "Seriously, get over it." I take in a sharp breath, pushing the thought from my head. I turn to Gale and give him one last hug. "Be safe a-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Katniss. You've told me a million times already." He says and I pull away from the hug. "Well, then, it should be stuck in your brain."

"Okay, Gale, the taxi's here." Finnick says, and everyone shouts goodbyes to Gale as he walks down to the car waiting to take him to the airport.

"He's an idiot," i say and everyone laughs. "What? He is! He's going on a world trip and he doesn't even have a plan."

"I guess you're right." Annie says with a laugh and we all head down the street towards the beach and main shops. We pass a cafe and there is a bunch of rowdy boys sitting on the tables outside. I notice them staring at me and I glare at them.

"Hey, sugar, why don't you come join me?" One of the boys says, patting the space next to him. I shoot him another glare. "Why don't you get your fat ass off the table before it breaks?" I smirk and all the other boys start laughing at the rejected guy.

"Katniss." Peeta scolds. "What?" I ask innocently. "Sorry, she's pregnant." Peeta mouths to them when he thinks I'm not looking. "Hey!" I yell and slap him on the arm. "Focus on your girlfriend!"

"Woah, okay, sorry, sorry." He says and I take his hand and start pulling him towards the others who are all further ahead.

I don't miss the silent laughing going on between the boys and Peeta. "Are you laughing at me?" I demand and they all shut up. "Good. Come on Peeta." I say and storm off after the others.

"What was that about?" Delly asks and I roll my eyes. "Don't ask." We head down onto the sand and I sit down, leaning back on my hands. The boys all grab a volleyball and start throwing it to each other while the other girls sit with me.

"Do you remember when Peeta ran into you on your first day here, Kat?" Johanna asks and I nod. "How could I not? I was covered in lemonade." I laugh and we all start laughing. "HEADS!" We all squeal and duck our heads as the ball goes flying over the top of us. "Sorry!" Cato calls out. "Damn you! You did that on purpose!" Johanna yells out and all the guys bend over laughing.

"Ugh, they're gonna pay for that somehow, one day." Delly says and we all nod in agreement. "So, how are things with you and Peeta, and being pregnant?" Annie asks me and I sigh with a smile. "It's great! Peeta does everything for me!" I say as I close my eyes.

"Anything?" Annie questions and I open my eyes. "Yep, watch this." I say and all the girls stare at me intently.

"Hey, Peeta?" I call out and he throws the volleyball and then turns to face me. "Yeah?"

"My neck is killing me, can you give me a massage?" I call out and he runs over. "Yeah, sure."

"Oh, and also can I have a lemonade?" I ask and he leans down and gives me a kiss. "Anything." He says as he runs over to the drinks stand.

I raise my eyebrows and smirk at the girls as they all stare at me, stunned. "Hey, Finnick, can I have a massage?" Annie tries, and Finnick turns to her. "I'm not your slave! Get Peeta to do it!" He turns back to the game they are playing. Annie huffs. "Wanna switch boyfriends?" She asks and I shake my head with a stupid smile on my face. "Nope, I love mine."

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