Chapter 4: Shopping Centre Disaster

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Katniss' POV

I'm walking through the shopping centre looking for food for my new apartment. For the past week I have been eating with Johanna but now I realise that I have to buy food eventually. I walk down one of the aisles looking at all of the boxes of food and snacks. Just then I see a familiar blond bob of curls in the aisle next to me. Crap, I think to myself. I swear he is everywhere in this town.

I duck my head down low and try to conceal myself from those shockingly blue eyes and that handsome face and well toned and defined body. 'God, Katniss, what's wrong with you? You can't like him!' I think to myself. Just at that moment I look up and as I continue to walk down the aisle I lock eyes with Peeta. He grins a charming, lopsided smile and I feel myself blushing furiously.

He is walking alongside me except one row over. He keeps staring at me and it's getting kinda creepy. I look back ahead and try my best not to be tempted to look at him again. I can feel his eyes boring into me still as we reach the ends of the aisles.

Just then I hear a loud "Oof," I turn my head and see that Peeta had just walked into one of the massive square poles that rests at the end of the aisle, and he was now stumbling backwards. He crashes into a big stack of cereal boxes.

It's as if it was in slow motion as the tall box stack comes tumbling down towards me. Peeta crashes into me and we both get knocked to the ground, him on top of me. One second later, millions of cereal boxes come falling on top of us and we are buried in a mountain of boxes.

Everything is dark and I can faintly make out Peeta's form on top of me. When I say millions of boxes... I was not joking. I could stand up on top of Peeta's shoulders and I think I still wouldn't be able to reach the top of where this is.

It's as if I suddenly become aware of our situation. I am lying on the floor, with Peeta on top of me, buried under millions of cereal boxes... in the middle of a shopping centre. I can faintly hear an alarm go off through the thick walls that the boxes have made.

I can see Peeta's face is extremely close to mine and he has made no effort to try and get off of me. "Hey," he breaths "Ugh," I roll my eyes at him. Even though I would never admit it to anyone, I can't help but think that I like being this close to Peeta. He chuckles and even though I can't see him in the darkness I can tell he is blushing.

Just then something comes crashing into the boxes, causing them to fall all over again. I can start to see daylight and eventually the last few boxes are pushed away so that me and Peeta are lying on top of one another in the middle of the shops, with nothing to hide us from the stares of all the people around us.

Everything is dead silent as pretty much everyone in the store surrounds us, just staring at me and Peeta. It's a really awkward silence and Peeta still makes no move to get off of me. Just then the silence is broken by someone laughing. Soon the laugh spreads like wild fire and everyone in the room is laughing... even the workers!

I gaze up at Peeta and my eyes lock with his. He starts to lean in and my mind starts to race. 'What? No! He cant kiss me! What about Marvel? Peeta could turn out just like Marvel. Dont trust anyone!' I turn my head at the last second so that he presses a tender kiss to my cheek. His lips are warm and soft.

Peeta climbs off me and then gives me a hand up. One of the workers walks over to us. "You can leave now. Don't worry, we won't make you clean it up or anything. However you will not be able to buy anything today as that is your punishment instead of cleaning the mess." We nod in understanding before heading towards the door. "WAIT!" the man calls out again. We turn around and he comes running towards us, holding out a DVD. "Take this. It's the security camera, I want you guys to watch what happens as that was one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life." We thank him and then head out the door.

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