Chapter 11: Kitchen disaster

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Katniss' POV

I decide to head over and see Prim and Haymitch today since it has been so long since I've seen them. I think my mum's best friend Effie was staying with them for a while as well. I pick up my phone and text Prim quickly.

Me: Hey, is it alright if i come over for lunch today? We need to catch up!

Prim: Of course Kat! Haven't seen you in ages! Can't wait!

I jump out of bed and shower, pulling a dress on afterwards and leaving my hair out natural. I grab a muffin on my way past the kitchen and take a bite as I struggle to hold my bag and muffin while I lock the door.

I am just about to walk out of the apartment building when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and slide across the screen to answer.

"Hey, babe," I say, with muffin still in my mouth.

"Hey Katniss, just calling to see if you're okay," I quickly swallow the rest of my muffin and dust my hands off on my legs while holding the phone between my shoulder and ear.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be?" I say, holding the phone normally again. I start walking down the path towards where Prim and Haymitch live.

"No reason. Just wanted to check up." He says, sounding worried.

"Peeta, does this have anything to do with that street we passed the other night?"

"What? No, no! Um... no but you have to stay away from there, no matter what." He sounds really worried.

"Peeta, what's going on? You're scaring me!" I say and I can feel tears coming. "Are you okay, Peeta?" I ask in a small voice.

I hear him sigh, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. what are you doing today?"

"Just heading over to Prim and my uncle's for lunch. I think my mum's best friend Effie is staying with them for a while too," I say.

"Yeah, I met Prim and Haymitch at the hospital when you uhhh...when you...died. Prim's such a sweet girl," he says and he sounds like the memory of me dying still haunts him. I have to admitt it still haunts me.

"Yeah, I love her. It's hard to believe she's 15 already!" I exclaim.

I turn into their street and see their house a few doors down. "Ok, I gotta go Peeta, love you," I say.

"Ok, stay safe, love you mor,e" and then I hang up. I walk up to the front door. Do I knock or just walk in? I decide to just walk in so I push open the door and step in, closing it behind me.

"Hey, I'm here," I call out. There is silence, then all of a sudden something comes flying at me. All I can see is blonde hair as Prim wraps me up in a giant hug. "Awwww, I missed you sooo much, Katniss," she says. "I missed you too, little duck," she pulls back and gives me a look.

"I told you not to call me that. I'm 15, nearly 16 now, not 5." She laughs and I end up laughing too. "It's great to see you, Prim." She takes my hand, "Come on, we're all waiting."

Prim pulls me to the living room where Haymitch is on the couch watching TV. He stands up when he sees me and gives me a hug. "It's great to see you, Kat," I say the same back and Prim pulls me into the kitchen. I set my bag down on the bench and go to say hi to Effie.

She was my mum's best friend and always has been so good to me and Prim. "Katniss! Oh my God look at you! You're all grown up now! How old are you now? 20? 21?" Effie says all this while attacking me in a hug.

"Hey Effie. And yeah, I'm 20 now. My birthday is next month." She smiles down at me.

"Do you guys need help with making lunch?" I ask them. Prim and Effie both exchange a worried look and then turn to me and both start speaking at the same time.

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