Chapter 35: Me & My Broken Heart

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I wake to Peeta's frantic voice. I can't open my eyes though; they feel heavy. "What do you mean she fainted? Is she okay?" I hear him frantically call. His voice sounds distant. Isn't he in Australia?

"I don't know, Peeta. She just said she needed air and then fainted." I hear someone else say. Finnick, I think.

"Well, is she okay? Is the baby okay?" I hear him ask. He sounds close to tears. "I can't tell. She's been out of it for a while now." Finnick says sadly.

I can hear Peeta's breathing pick up. "I'm coming home." He says frantically. "No, Peeta, I don't think you need to do that." I think Delly says.

I groan and blink my eyes open. "She's awake!" Cato calls out, and I see several faces come into view over me. I groan and rub my hand over my eyes.

"Oh my God. Is she okay? Katniss, baby?" I hear Peeta call out. "How is Peeta here?" I ask quietly. "I want Peeta." I say and I hear several sighs.

"Katniss, honey, Peeta is still in Australia," Delly says as she helps me sit up. "Peeta's on the phone." She hands me someone's phone.

I hold it to my ear. "Hello?" I ask. "Katniss! Oh my God, are you okay?" I hear Peeta ask quickly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I love you." I say and I can hear him smiling. "Love you, too."

"You go back to having fun, Peeta. I'll be fine, I promise." I say. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Positive." I say. "Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye, love you." He says.

I sigh and close my eyes. "Love you." I murmur long after he has hung up. "Are you sure you're okay, Katniss?" Prim asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just a bit dizzy. What time is it?" I ask.

Johanna looks at her phone. "It's 6pm now." I nod. "I'm going home now." I say and Johanna grabs my hand and pulls me up from the couch.

I say good bye to everyone and then head out to the car. Once back at the apartment, I have a shower and go straight to bed, not even caring that it's still early in the evening.

When I wake up in the morning I can see faint grey seeping through the curtain.

I flip the covers back and get out of bed. As I walk over to the dresser, I stub my toe on the bed leg. I groan as I hobble over to the drawers and pull out my clothes for today.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I don't care that I only had one last night. I feel like another one. Once the shower is hot, I step under the water.

After about 30 seconds, the water runs stone cold. I shudder and jump out, droplets still hiting my body and making me shiver. I wait for the water to turn hot again, but after 10 minutes of standing in the cold I figure out that there's no hot water.

I groan and shut the water off. I grab a towel and then get dressed. I go to brush my hair out but I can't find my brush. I groan and pull my hair up into a messy bun since it's the only thing that I can pull off without brushing my hair.

I go out to the kitchen and after burning 4 pieces of bread, I finally make one small piece of toast for breakfast. I can't have a coffee because there is no hot water.

After the toast, I am still starving so I grab my car keys and my phone and take the elevator down to the parking lot. I drive down to the town coffee shop and bookstore and walk through the door.

A bell tingles in the back of the shop as the door opens and closes. The shop owner, Sae, comes out from the back. There is a girl reading a book on one of the plush couches, and there is a couple enjoying coffee and cake at a table on the other side of the shop.

I order a coffee and chocolate cake and wait while Sae makes my coffee.

She hands me a bag with my cake and then hands over the coffee cup. "You have a good day, Katniss." She smiles. "Thanks, Sae. You too." I say with a wave.

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