Chapter 31: Jealousy

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For everyone who commented last chapter that everyone already knew about the baby, they didn’t. Only her family (Haymitch, Prim and Effie) and Finnick and Annie knew because they took Peeta to the hospital after Katniss fainted on stage at her performance.

Just to clarify things :)

Peeta’s POV

"Peeta, she'll be okay." Cato says as I pace around the living room. I run my fingers through my hair. "How do you know? I shouldn't have...I should have just kept my mouth shut." I say, crouching down and burying my face in my hands.

"She's been gone for hours; I’m worried about her and the baby. Trouble always seems to find her." I say.

"I know, Peet. But she'll be okay. The girls will find her." Finn says, and I try to control my shaking. "What if she doesn’t want to come home?" I ask. "You have no idea how angry she has been getting lately. Not to mention she hasn’t been thinking properly."

I hear the door click and open. In a flash I am up and no sooner has Katniss walked through the front door than I am pulling her in for a hug. I wrap my arms around her tightly, breathing in her scent, reminding myself that she is safe.

"Baby, I’m so sorry. I love you, both of you." I say, pulling back and resting my hand on her stomach. She has tears in her eyes as she gazes up at me. "I’m sorry, too." She whispers and I pull her into another hug.

I run my hand through her long raven hair. "I’m so sorry, I love you." I say over and over. "Peeta, it's okay." She whispers and I feel her hands clutch my t-shirt in her fists as she hugs me close.

I see Annie, Delly and Jo standing in the doorway. "Thank you," I say. "For finding her." They all nod. "It’s okay, Peeta, we love her too. We love both of you." Delly says and I untangle myself from Katniss to hug them all.

"So, a baby, huh?" I hear Cato ask and I take Katniss' hand in mine and lead her to the couch. "Yeah, a baby." I say, and Katniss curls up into my side. I wrap my arm around her.

"How far along is the baby?" Gales asks and Katniss' head snaps up. "3 months." She says and you can hear the excitement in her voice.

"So, are you guys engaged or what? What’s your relationship status?" Finnick asks and I laugh. "We're still girlfriend-boyfriend." Everyone gives annoyed sighs.

Katniss cuddles up against me and yawns widely. "You ready for bed?" I ask and she nods, standing up. "Well, thank you guys for tonight but I’m really tired." Everyone says goodnight and I watch as Katniss turns around and disappears up the stairs.

After I have finally gotten everyone out of our apartment I sigh and head up to the bedroom. I brush my teeth and then strip down to my boxers, pulling back the covers of my side of the bed. Katniss is curled up, clutching her pillow tightly as she sleeps calmly. I pull her into my arms and she lets go of the pillow and wraps her arms around me instead.

With Katniss in my arms it doesn’t take me long to drift off into a peaceful sleep. 

Katniss’ POV

I am woken up by the sound of Peeta’s alarm going off. I hear him groan and then the noise shuts off as he hits his phone.

I keep my eyes closed and I slowly drift back to sleep. I feel Peeta kiss my forehead and I smile. I feel the bed dip as he gets out, and then hear the shower start running. The sound of the cool water lulls me back to sleep.

I feel Peeta’s lips on mine and I smile but I’m too sleepy to open my eyes. "Love you." I mumble and I feel his hand hover over my hair softly. "Love you, too. Walk down to the bakery after I’ve finished work and we'll go out for dinner tonight, okay?" He says and I nod sleepily and yawn. I feel him kiss me softly once more before he leaves the room. I hug the pillow tightly as I fall back asleep.

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