<Morning of school>

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~Note: everyone is of age to be going to high school in this story~


My alarm clock rang as i woke up from my sleep. I wipe my eyes with my hands to wake me up and i look around
"Good morning jihyo"

I was on my phone as i heard namjoon's alarm go off
"Oh! Good morning joonie, how was your sleep?"

"Oh it was good, i cant believe your up earlier than me!"

"Haha thats only because i have some -leader business- to do"

"Oh, haha. Im gonna get some water quickly, be right back!"

Namjoom walks pasts all of the dorm rooms until he notices on of the rooms are open, namjoon goes to close the door when he notices its Jungkook and Momo's room.
He takes i quick peek inside to make sure everything it okay when he sees.. momo and jungkook cuddling while sleeping!?
Namjoon quietly closes the door, gets water and then runs back to jihyo who is still on her phone in their room..

"Why are you in such a hurry!?"

*out of breath*

"Awww!! I wanna see!"

"Oh sorry i already closed their door"

"Oh its fine, im sure we will be able to see it again later haha"

"Anyways, we should wake everyone up,
Class starts in 1 hour"

"Oh yeah, good idea!"

Jihyo and namjoon wake everyone up and get them to come sit at the table to eat some breakfast that Jin had prepared the night before,
pancakes and waffles!

"Well tzuyu and i had a good sleep!"

"Yup the bes are very comfortable!"

"Thats good! So Did I!
I assume sana did too, She slept like a rock ahaha!"

"I could beg to differ Tae, your snoring kept me up all night!"

Everyone starts laughing as Nayeon and suga bring out the food for everyone

"Eeeekkkk!!! It looks so good!!"

Momo takes a bite of on of her MANY waffles

"And it tastes even better!!"

"Haha thank you!"

"Now that everyone has ate, we should get into our vans to go to class!"

"Good idea hobi!"

The twice members and the bangtan members all get in their vans and the managers drop them off at school.

"Ughhh i hate school, its no fun. I just wanna go home. That way i can sleep, eat popcorn and watch a movie!"

"I mean like who wouldnt want to!?, ill do that with you later at the dorm dahyunie!"

"Haha, you better keep your word!"


Twice and Bangtan are separated into different classes,

C1: Momo, Mina, Nayeon, jihyo and dahyun
C2: Sana, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and jungyeon
C3: Jungkook, Jin, Suga, Jimin
C4: Namjoom, Hoseok and taehyung

The school is very strict so they separate the classes boys and girls so the students wouldn't get distracted.

"Well momo and i are off to class, see you guys later!"

"Jihyo, dahyun and i will come with you aswell Mina!
See everyone later at lunch!"

Everyone splits to their classes and sits down at their seats

"Can someone tell me what the scientific notation for 123 546 x 10 to the power of 3 is?"

*whispers to Momo*
"What the heck i though this was Math class not science HAHA"

*momo snickers*
"Keke yeah, like the name is so stupid.. its for math, not science!"


{momo and dahyun}
"Oh!, sorry teacher..."

"This is your last warning girls, one more time i catch you two talking in my class and you BOTH get detention!"

The class goes silent as the end of period bell rings

"Before everyone leaves for lunch, just a reminder that there is a school dance on friday!"

"Wow thats so soon.."

"Yeah, Friday is only two days away!"

"Nevermind that!, I NEED A DATE!"

Everyone laughs as they walk together to get lunch.

-sorry for this short chapter guys, i have a bad headache and looking at my phone is not helping, keep and eye out of another update soon! :)))

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