<The day of>

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I wake up to the most lovely voice ever...

"Good morning mina!"

"Good morning jin"
I say ass i open my eyes and meet his gaze from above me

Mina is honestly so stunning, from her short brown hair to her lovely ballet feet, she is perfect. All i want to do is make her mine but i doubt she would accept my confession, not because she doesn't like me or anything but because i feel like mina is the type of girl you have to get to know first so you can gain their trust and loyalty before making big commitments like that.
"Cmon lets go make the others some delicious food!"

"Of course!"

------------ sana and taehyung's room -----------

Everyone else is getting up but taehyung and i have been up for hours, in fact we never even slept. We were up all night talking, blushing, hugging, and coming into a little peck on the lips once in a while. Its not much but honestly just spending time with taehyung is amazing.

Im HONESTLY quite tired and i can tell sana is too, but i wouldn't change anything, we get along so well and have amazing chemistry. I just love talking and being with sana so much, she is the light of my life right now.

------------ Jimin and dahyuns room -------------

"Hmm should i wear this shirt or the navy blue one?"

"The navy blue shirt compliments you eyes more but the other goes nice with your hair... hmmm i say you go for the navy blue because it ties together your whole outfit!"

"You're totally right! Thanks babe"

I blush and stick my head in the covers, the word 'babe' is so cringeworthy and i always tell jimin that, but he insists on calling me that because it ALWAYS makes me shy

She is so cute when she is shy~ i know she hates it but i just LOVE it when she gets like this, she is just so cute!

"Okay but should i wear this skirt with this cropped sweater or these shorts with this T shirt?"

"Definitely the cropped sweater and skirt, the pink of the skirt and the white of the sweater are paired so nicely together, its the OBVIOUS choice"

"WOAH your so right! I did i not see that before! Thanks jiminie~"

All the members get ready for school, packing their backpacks, getting money for lunch and finishing last minute homework that they always forget about because of how much fun they have together. Soon as you know it they were all out the door.

-------------------- At the school -------------------

"Dang it!"

"What happened?"

" just remembered i left my English textbook in the library.. can you come with me to grab it"

"Sure, we have plenty of time. For once we actually got to school early"

"Perfect! I cant loose it or else ms. N will FLIP at me!"

"Than we should probably get a move on"

"Your right, lets go"

Yoongi and nayeon rush to the library where it was dead silent and there was only a few people studying or reading a book

"Where did you last remember having it?"

"Hmmm I think i was studying near the computers over there"

They both walk over to the computer table and search around

"UGH! I cant find it anywhere!? "

Suddenly the librarian shushes us



"Maybe we could ask the librarian if they saw it?"

"Good idea, it has my name is it so if she has it we should be able to get it right away"

They walk over to the librarian desk

"Excuse me madam, but do you happen to have a English textbook with the name "Nayeon" in it??"

"Is this it??"

She hands us the book and we look at it

"Yes! Thank you so much!"

"No problem sweety, but next time you come in here do everyone a favour and be quiet please"

"Of course, we will make sure of it! Have a nice day~"

They walk off meeting the other members and they all head to class on time.

Im glad to hear that we have they second half of the day off to get ready for the dance but then again, Jungyeon and i still haven't gotten a date yet, ALTHOUGH~ there are these two boys Jungyeon and I have had our eyes on. Their names are yugyeom and jeonghan, yugyeom is so handsome and is an amazing dancer, we have been friends for a long time and so have jeonghan and jungyeon. We always tease Jungyeon about jeonghan and say that he took all her hair, although she doesn't mind and just plays along because she likes her short hair and of course we do too!

Tzuyu and i talked for a bit in class and decided to ask jeonghan and yugyeom out to the dance, we went over all of our facts and realized that they actually like us, like a lot.
Whenever we are with them they always do some sort of skin ship like hugging or kisses on the forehead, but we were always so blind and couldn't even tell!
Im sure they would say yes, plus we already texted them to meet us outside in between this class and next class so there is no turning back now..

"AH! Im so nervous!!!"

"Dont be, every thing will be fine!"

"Oh god oh god oh god OH GOD"


"Look down the hall to the right, there they come..."

Before Tzuyu and Junyeon new it Yugyeom and Jeonhan were right beside them asking whats up and why they had asked them to come meet them here

"Yugyeom, come over here,,"

"Sure! Whats up?"

"Okay well im really nervous so im just gonna come out and say it, Do you want to go to the dance with me?"



"yeah! I was trying to give you signals for so long! Finally!"

They both started laughing, then they walked to class together

--- Meanwhile with Jungyeon and jeonghan ---

"Actually jungyeon i need to ask you something too!"

"Really!? Okay, you go first!"

"No! You go first!"

"We are going nowhere with this, lets just say it at the same time"

"Good idea! Ready? 3-2-1....!"

{jeonghan - and Jungyeon}

"What!? Um i mean yes!!"

They start laughing furiously and then also walk to class hand in hand.

Hope you liked this chapter!!!
More of MoKook, NamHyo, and ChaeSeok next!!

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