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"Uhh.. hi.." is the only thing i can say until sana comes rushing to me and gives me a hug
"Momo, im so sorry. Please let us explain!"
I nod my head agreeing to her and she begins talking.
"Remember my cousin Hyuna?"
"Yes, she was really nice last time i met her in japan." I say to her
"Well lets just say she isnt that 'nice girl you met in japan' anymore."
"What do you mean?" I question
"Well" Jungkook starts, "she goes to this school and she has been obsessed with me ever since she first applied. She would always threaten and bully girls that i liked or who she thought liked me."
I stand there with my jaw wide open not able to talk.
"She started becoming curious of you and apparently would always watch what you did from a distance" sana told me
"So she was pretty much stalking me??" I ask
"I guess so." Jungkook replies
"Ok, but that doesn't add up to the fact that you kissed Jungkook, sana..?"
"Well thats where she comes in.." sana continues;  "As she started catching onto you and jungkook being together, and she got very angry, storming over to us while we were talking and as you had just left to use the washroom"
I nod signaling that i understand everything so far
"She was so angry with you and started to bash talk you and say terrible things about you. i just got so fed up with her and i raised my voice at her.."


"You fucking dick! How can you even date someone as ratty and ugly as her!! UGH! She is such a fucking bitch!!!"

"Shut up hyuna you don't know anything about her!"

"Yeah, go bother someone else and come back to us when you have real facts. "

"Real facts hm? Like how she dances terribly, or how she is such a wimp that she cant even handle a little thunder?-"

"That's enough hyuna.."

"-Or how she is such a pig and eats so much food not to mention her favourite IS pigs feet like wtf?, or how she cant even sing properly?-"


Jungkook starts raising his voice..

"Ugh! Honestly!, she is such a slut too like oh my go-"


Jungkook voice echos through the gym

"I want you to leave her alone hyuna, NOW!"

"Not until you stop loving her and start loving me! HMPH!"

/flashback end/

"Oh" is the only thing i manage to say as i contemplate why when Jungkook was standing up for me, he kissed sana...
Sana then starts talking again;
"We got so annoyed with her and i knew that she WAS NOT gonna leave you alone until jungkook stoped loving you, which obviously was NOT going to happen on our watch"
Sana continues;  " and i also knew that me and her being family if i was to 'date' Jungkook, she couldn't do anything about it because we are family."
"So" she continues with a sigh
"The only thing i could think at the time of was to prove that jungkook didnt love u, but -fake-loved me..."
"So you kissed him..." i say with my head down, tears starting to form low in my eyes.
"Momo.." jungkook says
"I love you, that kiss between sana and i was nothing, it meant nothing. I ONLY love you. Sana kissed me to protect us, please don'tbe mad a sana or leave me" he says as a tear rolls down his right cheek
"Jungkook" i say to him picking my head up and looking him in the eyes
"I would never"
I go and hug him

Im honestly so relieved that Momo forgave us, i know she was going to eventually, but im just so happy that that 'eventually' was right now
"Yes? She says to me turning away from jungkook
"Plus i love taehyung, jungkook is all yours." I wink at her and she smiles warmly back at me
"I love you so much sana. I never want our friendship to be broken"
"I love you too momoring!~"
She hugs me tightly and i leave the two of them on the balcony going inside to talk to taehyung

jungkook pulls me into his embrace as he kissed me softly. We pull away and sit on the ground with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me.
"Hey babe?" I say to him
"Yes?" He answers
"Do you think what hyuna said about be is true? That im a wimp, i cant sing, i cant dance etc?"
Jungkook straightens up and faces me seriously.
"Are you kidding? You are the most talented and amazing girl i have ever met, none of those things are true. I love every part of you and i would never change Anything about you" he says lovingly
"Thank you jungkook, i love you so much"
"I love you too momo" he says

---------Inside with Taehyung and Sana---------

"Im so glad everything is cleared up and we can finally have some time alone~"
"I know, i feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders" sana says relieved
There was a slight shift of silence but it was a good kind of silence with her in my arms and the blanket over the two of us

"You really meant what you said on the balcony?" Taehyung suddenly blurts out
"What?" I ask confused
"..that you love me" he says
"Yeah, i really do love you" i say as i burry my head further into his chest
"You're always here for me when i need it, both communicational wise and physically" i say
"Im always here to talk about anything you want with me and if you ever need a hug or just wanna cuddle" he says back
"Thank you Tae" i say as i drift to sleep
"I love you" he says kissing m forehead
"I love you too" i say back to him


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