<What happens now?>

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 8:00am,
Its not even a school day and my alarm went off, great. I look over to the empty bed beside mine where jungkook sleeps. I cant help but remember all the amazing memories we had together, The missions at the start of our show where we did the pepero game and we laughed our heads off while dancing to other groups' songs, or when we danced our hearts out in the studio after i had a a long stressful day. I miss him a lot, the warmth of his body when he pulls me into his embrace, the feeling of sparks when he presses his lips up against mine, or just the laughs and the long talks we share together. I just want everything how it was. But it cant. Not now that Sana loves Jungkook and Jungkook obviously loves sana back.
All of this thinking is keeping me awake from going back to sleep so i might as well get up and have some cereal or something.
I walk into the kitchen to find taehyung siting eating toast while scrolling through Instagram on his phone.
"Good morning" i say to him tiredly

"Oh momo! Good morning. How are you feeling? And why are you up at this time"

"Well for one i could ask you the same thing,"

"Haha well i went and worked out this morning with hoseok but he went to the pool after and i came back here."

"Oh well thats better than my story, my alarm just woke me up when it shouldn't of, lol"

"Auhhh, i see. Anyways, how are you feeling?"

Suddenly my facial expression drops as i remember everything
"Oh, well.. idk.. i guess im fine"

"Momo don't lie to me, you can tell me!"

"Well i mean i AM getting better and im not lying there, plus im actually eating wich i 100% missed. "

"Thats good, we were all so worried about your health, including jungkook and sana. Im glad your okay enough to eat again"

"Thank you taehyung"

Suddenly hoseok walks into the room

"Oh! good morning everyone!"

"Haha, its just momo and I hoseok, everyone else is busy sleeping."

"Auhh, i see"

"..Just a question,"


"Where is Jungkook even sleeping?"


Taehyung and hoseok make eye contact


"Ah he is currently sleeping on the bathroom floor.."

"The bathroom floor!?"


"I feel so bad"

"Not as bad as sana and jungkook feel.."

"..what do you mean?"

"You still haven't asked them about what happened yet!?"


"Oh then we probably shouldn't be the ones to explain, when you are ready to talk to them you should go and do that on ur own"

As they are talking, jungkook walks out from the bathroom and into the kitchen with his boxers on, JUST HIS BOXERS.

Through jungkooks sleepy voice he manages to speak out a few words.
"Good morning hoseok, taehyun and, momo.....WAIT MOMO!? OH SHIT"

Jungkook raps his hand around his muscular body and runs back to the washroom where his shirt and shorts were, and put some proper clothes on.

"I cant see him right now!"


"I JUST CANT OKAY!? Its not time yet, im not ready!"

Momo runs out of the room and goes into her bedroom and she cuddles back into the warmth of her covers as she imagines jungkooks body wrapped around hers.

"What was that about?"

" i honestly have no clue.."

"Girls, so confusing"

Jungkook walks right back into the kitchen after hearing everything that had just happened a fee seconds ago.

"I can tell you EXACTLY why,"

"Then why?"

"Because she cant face me, because im a monster, because im a terrible person and she will never take me back after sana kissed me"

"Jungkook, ust wait until you explain everything to her, im sure she will understand then. After all you only were protecting her."

"But what if she doesn't!, what if she doesn't understand i was protecting her, or that i actually dont have feelings at all for sana and that sana doesn't have any feelings for me, what if she doesn't even let me explain what i meant and just leaves me, or she just blocks me out and NEVER even lets me explain, what if-"

"Jesus dude, how many "what ifs" do you got!?
Just wait and be patient, trust me it will all work out in the end."

And with that they all left the kitchen and went back to their well deserved sleep.

Hope you enjoyed!!! See you laterrrrr <3

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