<Its time>

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it's been almost a week since we've talked about anything else then Momo and Jungkooks relationship. I mean I want to help but I'm not sure what I can do. I look to the clock beside my bed and noticed that it's 11 Am. i go and climb into hoseoks bed, hugging his back tighty.

I wake up startled because i feel someone warm hug me from behind
"Good morning" i say to who i am almost positive is chae
"More like good afternoon" she says while giggling against my back. I turn over so we are facing towards each other. I look to the clock and notice its past 11
"Woah, i slept for so long"
"What time do you fall asleep at??" She says worriedly
"Around 4:30, i stayed up editing a few songs."
"Ohh i see, now how about we go get some lunch together?"
"Is that a date?" I tease her
"Shut up and get ready" she says cutely to me.

---------Meanwhile in yoongyeons room---------

"BABEEEEEE" nayeons cutely yells at me
I groan, not wanting to get up from the warmth of my bed.
"Babe please?? I want to talk im so bored!"
She whines to me and i smirk in my bed
"Hmmm.." i say
"And if i dont get up?" I tease her
"Well," she starts " i guess ill just have to move on from you and hang out with got7 instead!
"Well as i see it, you saying that you'll 'move on' is kinda implying that your confessing to me"
I tease her and look at how her little bunny cheeks turn a slight shade of red
"Awww your blushing!"
"Am not!" She cutely denies
"Well you will after this!"
I pull her into my embrace and kiss her on her forehead
I start laughing as she covers her face
"Shut uppppppp!!"
We both start laughing and when everything dies down i can tell the surrounding went cold...
"Whats wrong?" I ask her

Im having an amazing time with yoongi, who i love dearly. But i cant help but remember how crappy Momo is feeling right now, and it just completely ruins my mood.
"Is it momo and jungkook?" He asked
"Wha- how did u know?"
"Ive been thinking about it too, ive never seen jungkook this upset by anything"
"Same with momo.." i say worriedly.
"I wanna help so bad but i dont know how, as TWICES eldest i always feel responsible for everything that happens, good or bad."
"Don't blame yourself for this," yoongi exclaims.
"I know, i know. But i want to help"
"Well if you want to help, than just go and talk to momo and tell her to try to sort things out with Sana and Jungkook. Im sure everything will go well from there"
"Are you sure?" I question him.
"Positive, ill even help aswell, ill go get sana and jungkook and bring them outside on the balcony"
"Ill try my best.." i say

Nayeon walks into momos room finding momo at her desk playing games on their computer.

"Momo?" Nayeon walks into the room and sits down on my bed.
"Yes?" I say, already knowing where this conversation is heading.
"Please?" She says as if she had just read my mind
"I want to.." i say stuttering
"Its just i feel that if i see them together ill just break down on the spot" i confess
"I know what you mean" she says
"You do?"
"Yes" she answers
"Ive been through many situations like the one your in right now in my life time, but i also know that you leaving this not resolved day by day isn't doing anything to help you or jungkook, nor sana"
"I understand.."
"So please momo, just go sort things out. You might just surprise yourself with the out come."
"What do you mean?" I question
"I mean, you have been sitting in this room for the past week and all you have been doing is going over the scenario from the dance and thinking of every possible bad solution that could happen when confronting them." She says "You need to sort things out" she states to me.
Hearing Nayeon say thatfor some reason i 100% agree with her. I trust her so much and i know she would never do anything to hurt me, so all i cant do is agree.
".. okay" i say to her with my head down staring at my feed hanging off the chair.
"Yoongi already told them to meet you on the balcony, they're waiting for you now"
"Okay, ill be there" i say and we leave my bedroom together.

Sana and i are patiently waiting for momo to walk through the balcony door and all i can do is stand their beside her worried about how this will go down
"Just stop thinking" sana says to me bluntly
"What?" I say
"I know what your doing," she faces me with an understanding face,
"Your standing there thinking about how this is gonna go down. Just stop and wing it. It will all be fine" she says to me assuringly
*sigh* "okay, but who will start and how will we explain?"
"Well," she says " i know you get nervous and can't speak so I'll explain and you can jump in anytime you feel is right, okay?" She asks
"Okay" i say with a little more confidence knowing that she is with me on this.

I may not seem like it from the outside, but i can assure you, I AM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT about this.
But i know that if i start showing it, jungkook will probably pass out from him over thinking everything. All i wanna do when i see momo is just hug her and make her understand and know what had happened without me having to even explain it.
It seems like a fairytale for that to happen, but honestly i feel as if we have done it before with any other hard time we've had together.
Momo and i have always been through things together, and now that this situation has happened and im worried we wont be able to do that anymore. we haven't communicated properly for over a week, so i honestly just feel so bad, it makes me just wanna cry.
But i wont, because i know after today everything will be back to normal.
At least...at least i hope so.

Suddenly momo walks through the door of the balcony and both jungkook and Sana get a worried feeling in the bottom of their stomachs as they stand there waiting for something to happen.

OUUUU CLIFF HANGERRRRR!!!! But anyways as always i hope you liked this chapter, ik i did because i feel quite proud of this one! See you in the next chapter byeeee 👋🏽

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