Chapter 1

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Jimin dived across his bed to snatch his phone off his night table; a smile slowly stretching across his face when he saw the twitter notification.

@icelattae posted a new tweet

Just right on time after he had just finished videoing another one of his dance choreographies with his partner Jungkook who had invited him out to eat but he refused. He didn't want to miss this. He didn't want to miss his post. Kim Taehyung. The one who could leave Jimin smiling for the whole day with just a single post and right now was no different.

 The one who could leave Jimin smiling for the whole day with just a single post and right now was no different

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No. He didn't know him personally. He just merely bumped into his account purely by accident and not by the mere chance of him seeing Hoseok looking at the account and became hooked 4 months ago...see, Accident.

Not knowing what to do now after seeing Taehyung post, Jimin stared at his ceiling, a soft smile on his face. Not caring at the moment about how his sweat made his shirt cling to his chest and back like a second skin or how it was trailing down his face, his hair sticking to his forehead.

Look at all his old post again...

He wanted to do it. He wanted to do it...again. It's not actually stalking if you've seen all of them it?

Kicking off his shoes, he settles himself comfortably in his bed before he started.

As much a Jimin knows every post that Taehyung has made, he has never liked or retweeted one. They were both quite popular on twitter. Jimin for his famous choreography videos and art and him for his famous relatable quotes, his art like selfies (sometimes with his dog) and the cute videos he uploads ever so often.

Scrolling through Taehyung's old post, he stops suddenly on of his favorite post that Taehyung had uploaded. He posted it on his birthday and what a beautiful thing to wake up to. He couldn't stop smiling throughout the whole day. Even while Hoseok and Jungkook looked at him strangely while they were out celebrating his 20th birthday.

But Jimin's world took an abrupt halt when he saw the little star beneath the post turn green. His blood running cold and his eyes widening as he stared at the little green star.

Oh no no no no no no. This couldn't be happening. The post is a month old! What is Taehyung going to think when he sees that a one month old post had been liked?!

He's gonna thing he was stalking his page! He's probably gonna think he's weird!

Practically having an internal breakdown, Jimin dropped his phone and ran straight out of his house, running right to his neighbor's front door, franticly knocking.

"Who is it?"

"Hoseok-hyung it's me! Open up!" Shifting anxiously from foot to foot, chewing on his bottom lip waiting for Hoseok to let him in quickly.

The door swung open at last and Jimin rushed pass him dropping down in his living room couch, throwing his hands over his eyes.

"Nice to see you too Jiminie. What's wrong now?" Sitting on the other side of him, Jimin groaned in agony.

"'s bad."

"What happened?" He could sense his hyung getting worried now.

"Oh hyung! I accidentally like a month old post on Taehyung's twitter page." Hearing nothing but silence, Jimin looked up only to see a blank faced Hoseok staring back at him.



"Yes hyung?"

"Get out."

"But hyung!" Jimin flung himself right at his hyung's feet clinging on to it like a child.

"I can't believe you. I was so worried a minute ago!"

"You have to help me hyung! He's gonna think I'm weird or that I was stalking him!"

"But weren't you stalking his page?..."

"Yeah but he doesn't need to know that!"

Prying Jimin's fingers from around his leg, he squinted his eyes at him. "...and how did you even come to know about his page? Oh my god did you go through my phone!?"

"I did not!...And how I know about it isn't important now, just please help me before he sees it!"

Hoseok sighed deeply and uttered a very faint fine to which Jimin whooped and hollered before settling back down on the couch.

"You know by chances, he could've already seen it..."


"Okay okay. Did you try un-liking the post by any chance?"

"..." Jimin's face turned blank as he started at his hyung sitting across from him.

"Please tell me that you at least tried un-liking it before you came running over here..."

Jimin shot up of the couch running out of the house throwing a "thanks hyung" over his shoulder before slamming the door shut.

Tearing through his front door, barely closing it behind him. Reaching for his phone, his fingers barely grazed it before he heard another notification come in.

@Icelattae mentioned you


Jimin's world came to a stop as he re-read the notification over and over again.

He mentioned me. He mentioned me. Oh no. Don't tell me. He saw it didn't he? Please no.

With his heart in his throat, he swallowed thickly and pressed open the notification and he almost had a heart attack.

With his heart in his throat, he swallowed thickly and pressed open the notification and he almost had a heart attack

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He just basically called him out in front of everyone. At least he didn't say that it was an old post. He probably would've died from embarrassment and what was up with that winking face...

Seeing another notification come in, he opened it not expecting what he thought he would see.

@Icelattae shared a video

@Icelattae shared a video

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"Hoseok-hyung! Hoseok-hyung!"

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