Chapter 14

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*Half edited*


Over the next few days, Jimin and Taehyung could only grow closer. Numerous dates outdoors, some inside and some with a fuming third wheel Jungkook sneering behind them. They went to more places than Jimin can count. They went hiking with hoseok and ended up having to leave a sulking Jungkook behind. It's not their fault that his mother called for him to visit that day. Hoseok had only tagged along because he pleaded to.

They once took a trip to Japan to visit a museum, a request from Taehyung and Jimin was interested in seeing the art so they went and the smile that lit up Taehyung's face was worth it to him.

This went on for 5 whole months. Date after Date and they loved it. The only think that was on Jimin's mind was telling him...that he loved him. And just the thought alone brought a smile to his face. Every time he thought about his love for Taehyung, a goofy smile would cross his face which made the other suspicious on numerous occasions.

Taehyung, hadn't told him he loved him but it showed in his actions; when he would wrap him in his arms at night and nuzzle his hair before kissing it. When he would wake up in the mornings and backhug Jimin while he's making breakfast before whispering a raspy "Good morning minie" into his ear. He knew Taehyung loved him as much as he did to him.

He had something up his sleeve of course. He planned on saying those words tonight, when Taehyung got home from work. Oh, did he forget to mention that Taehyung was basically living there (to Jungkook's utmost displeasure). Taehyung had said "It smells like you and you're home to me." Yes, Jimin cried, don't judge.

Jimin still found time to practice for his and Hoseok's upcoming dance competition that was actually next week Wednesday at 3 p.m. He was so nervous. Not only for his dance with hobi but the fact that hobi somehow made him agree to enter the solo section of the dance as well, to show of his contemporary. When he had woke up the next morning he wanted to change his mind but Hoseok like the snake he is, already signed him up for it.

At the moment, he was busy making dinner, a special one, made up of Taehyung's favourite things. With a scented candle in the middle and a single purple flower next to it. Jimin was practically glowing at what was to come.

"Can you stop smiling like a creep please?" Jungkook piped up from his spot at the kitchen door, silently watching him.

"Why are you still here?" He replied, still smiling.

"Because he's not here yet ."

"You're not supposed to be here by the time he comes."

"Stop trying to kick me out of my own house!"

"Your ass don't live here!" Jimin placed the knife don't and spun around to see Jungkook sitting cross-legged on the kitchen floor. "Stop pouting, it's just for one night. You're just gonna spend a night with hoseok-hyung."

"I still don't understand why I have to leave though. I can just stay in my room. It's not like you're gonna have sex or anything." He huffed.

"Jungkook!" He gasped. "You don't know that." He finished, mumbling.

"Oh I know that. You're both too soft."

This smug little- Jimin's phone suddenly vibrated next to him on the counter. Tae was calling.

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