Chapter 11

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Taehyung swung around in his office chair, a pen resting between his lips. His thoughts? Occupied by a tiny human being with hands the size of his baby cousins. He should be working, as a matter of fact, he had an assignment to turn in by tomorrow. If his boss knew he was procrastinating right now, he would probably throw him through a window. But for the life of him, not even that was enough to get him out of the trance he was in.

Who would've thought, the Kim Taehyung, would actually be dating someone.

His family sure had a field day when he told them. They laughed for a whole ten minutes while Taehyung had his lunch. They didn't believe him. Sure he had lied about a few dates here and there...more than necessary but they could have had at least some faith remaining for him.

But once he sent them a picture of him and Jimin, one he secretly took, they shut up real quick and started bombarding him with questions.

"What's his name?!"

-Park Jimin

"How'd you meet him?"

-Uh, through Hoseok mom.

"Does he know you're dating him?"


"How did you get such a cute person?"

-My dazzling personality.

Amongst many others. They demanded to meet him but Taehyung adamantly refused. No way in hell is Jimin ready to meet the weirdness that is his family. Even so, they had just started going out. But then why did he feel like a longer time has passed since he'd known Jimin.

Probably because Jimin was his first ever boyfriend. You were probably thinking "but you were oozing so much confidence...!"

Yeah, sure, on the outside he was smoother than the palms of Jimins hands but on the inside, he was a wreck. A disaster. A mess of thoughts that somehow manages to filter out into that "confidence". How that even works? He doesn't know.

But what he does know, is that the confidence he filters out, comes out over the top or too much to be charming. He bit the tip of the pen as he wondered how it didn't scare Jimin off.

He was abruptly pulled from his thoughts when the sound of his boss' voice echoed outside his office.

"Oh shit." He fumbled around his desk, moving the mouse to wake the sleeping computer on his assignment and flipped open the closed file on his desk. Just as he settled down, his office door swung open, hitting the wall.

In stepped in his 57 year old boss, his black hair, streaked with grey, swept back to prevent it from falling into his face. His grey suit ironed to perfection and shone beneath the office light, or that might just be his shoes. Shoes aren't supposed to shine that much.

He marched into Taehyung's office with a bright smile painted on his face.

"Mr. Kim! Mr. Ever late ever procrastinating Kim."

"Really Sir? I'm actually working this time." Oh the lie.

He hummed. "Yeah, sure you are. I'm just here to tell you the deadline for the assignment I gave you changed."

A deep dread started bubbling in the pit of Taehyung's stomach and he didn't like it one bit. The smile on his boss' face wasn't making him feel better either. He just hoped it wasn't what he didn't want to hear.

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