Chapter 2

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*Unedited* (Sorry in advance for any mistakes)

"Jiminie..." Jhope groaned out as soon as he saw Jimin standing at his door looking frantic. 


"Yes Jiminie?" Jhope drawled. "What could possibly be the problem now?"

Jimin eyes lit up and he surprised the hell out Jhope by jumping on him and fisted his tiny hands in the front of Hoseoks black t-shirt. "He- HE MENTIONED ME!"

"I don't even have to ask who you're talking about." He stated blankly before he tried to pry Jimin's hands from his shirt which was quickly becoming crinkled. "Now can you let go and get off me?"

Jimin brushed off Hoseoks hands that were trying to get him off and wrapped his body tighter around him, stuffing his face into his neck. "I'm having a crisis here Hobi. Help me." 

Jhope sighed and rolled his eyes at his over dramatic friend and neighbour. He closed the door behind him and with Jimin still clinging to him, he went and took a seat on the couch.

"Fine. I'll help you. Now will you get off me?" 

No answer came for almost a minute before Jimin mumbled an 'ok' and climbed off him to sit beside him on the his couch.

"So what's your crisis Jiminie?" Jhope clasped his hands and faced Jimin with his question.

He took a deep breath before he let out everything in one rush. "Oh my god Hobi-hyung I can't even focus properly right now. After I left your house and went back to mine, I barely took up my phone before i saw a twitter notification came up and guess who it was..." He didn't even give Hoseok a time to answer even tho he knew who Jimin was talking about. "It was Kim Taehyung that's who. And you wouldn't even believe what it was about. HE MENTIONED ME that was what it was about! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! "

Jimin had got up mid way through his rambling and was pacing back and forth in front of Hoseok. "He told me- he- winky face- I can't- Omg! He even- dance practice Jungkook and at that moment I felt like my heart stopped in my thro-"


Jimin stopped suddenly and turned to face Hoseok breathing heavily from his rambling. 

"You were rambling so much that you started malfunctioning. I had to stop you before you fainted...again." 

"That was so one year ago Hobi-hyung but thank you for stopping me." JImin gave Hobi a warm smile and it was easily returned. 

"Now, what were you saying about winky face." Hoseok once again leaned back and waited for Jimin to continue again bit instead of going on a next rambling rage, Jimin opted to just show him instead. 

He sat playing with his thumbs while he waited for Hobi to finish inspecting the tweets. 

"Okay." Hobi suddenly suddenly said, making Jimin jerk forward. "Now I can see why you're so worked up considering how big of a crush you seem to be having on him right now." 

"I do not have a crush on him!" 

Jhope leveled Jimin with a blank stare and an unimpressed look on his face. "Do not deny it Jiminie. Your red cheeks and wandering eyes are obvious proofs."

Jimin stuck his tongue out in response. "Now tell me what his winky face mean." 

"So eager." Jhoep teased. "Okay it could mean two things. It could either mean he's being friendly with you or he's flirting with you." The second option made Jimin start choking on air and Jhope hurriedly went over to pat him comfortingly on the back.  

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