Chapter Three: Stood Up

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Picture of Shawn above played by Froy Gutierrez.
Third chapter enjoy. 😊

Kay's prov.

Laying down hugging my pillow and looking up at the roof I started thinking, thinking about why Shawn just suddenly felt like talking to me I know that this is what I want to be happening but I just feel so weird. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, pulling it out I notice the number isn't saved in my phone.

'Hey its Shawn'

'How did you get my number?'

'I got it from a friend'

'Oh ok, how can I help you'

'Would you like to go watch a movie with me on Friday'

'Like on a date'

'Yes exactly like a date'

This is what I've been waiting for all my life, but what about my suspicion. If I want to know if he likes me for me I'll just have to take this risk but I can't let him know I like him until he tells me first. What about jay? Jay and I are nothing and I like Shawn before I met jay and its not like I like jay or visa versa. This is what you want right? Yes, so do it.

'Aren't you with shan'

'No we're done'

'It didn't look that way today at lunch'

'She came onto me, but just forget about that ok I'm trying to start a new, so what do you think'

He wants to start a new so that means he likes me too, wow don't push ahead let him say that himself. Say yes if it's not meant to be at least you tried


'Good I'll pick you up at six baby bye'


Friday came quicker than I thought. At this moment I'm down stairs in the living room waiting for my mom and dad to have there 'talk' with me. They both entered the same time looking at me seriously and I mean there's not even a crock of a smile on their face. They both sat down together side by side looking at me, there trying to look intimidating but really they just look stupid.

"Now young lady. What you and your friends did in the summer really hurt your mom. We weren't expecting this kind of behavior from you. When we look at you I see a mature, responsible, obedient, loyal girl. We punish you to let you realize the wrong you did, as good patents we need to teach you wants wrong from what's right. I thought you knew that already but what you did young lady is making us think otherwise. What do you have to say for yourself" my dad said.

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