Twenty Seven: Avoiding Him

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Commitment by Monica.
Twenty seventh chapter enjoy.😊

Kay's prov.

"I swear imma kick you off this bed if you don't get your ass up and go talk to him" Kim said complaining to me.

"I can't" i replied covering my face with my pillow.

"I get that your scared but it's better you talk to him than mopping around, and stop avoiding him" Anna said sitting on the bed pulling the pillow away from me.

It's Wednesday,less than two week until Christmas and five and a half days since I last saw Jay. How ironic right he lives next door. Well I'm at my aunt Jennifer's not wanting to see or talk to him. Luckily we're on Christmas break. I'm scared as shit for his answer. Since Saturday when he told my brother he loves me I've been avoiding his calls and text. He's been asking everyone where I was but I made them promise not to tell.

He's been apologizing none stop for whatever he thought he did wrong. I'm not mad at him I'm just being a baby about the situation.

"He must be desperate wondering if you're ok and where you are, you need to talk to him" Kim says standing while stroking my hair.

"Yeah put on your big granny panties and woman up" Anna said making me giggle. I love my friends.

"Easy said than done, what if he rejects me?" I asked.

"Then he's a dam fool, your beautiful inside and out and a great person, any guy would be lucky to have you" Anna says.

"I don't want any guy, I want Jay" i grumbled.

"Well I can tell he wants you too, your just being silly" Kim says sitting on the bed also.

"Yeah come on if he didn't he wouldn't be pushing his self trying to call you and asking around for you and better yet he wouldn't wait to take your v-card when you offered, he wanted to make it special for you. Now tell me does that should like a guy who's not serious about his relationship?" Anna asked.

'She's right what am I thinking? Aaah I'm such a mess running away because I'm scared of the truth. I trust him and I love him, if he doesn't feel the same I'll get over it, some how. And if he does then great. Ok I can do this' i thought to myself.

"When did you get so smart?" I asked Anna.

"Since I got a boyfriend, now you need to get yours" she says.

"Fine I'll call him" i said to them picking up my phone. On the first ring he answered.

"Baby? Where are you? Are you ok? Did I do something to upset you? If i did I'm sorry....please please tell me your ok and that you don't hate me?" He kept asking.

"Meet me at Robby's café in an hour" i said avoiding his questions.

"Ok I will" he replied and I hang up not allowing him to ask anymore questions.

"Well imma go get myself ready to be heartbroken" i mumbled to myself.

"Oooh shut it and get a shower, I love you but you stink" Kim says moving away from the bed like it was on fire.

"Oh how you show your love is so touching, note the sarcasm" i said to her going to get a shower.

"Bitch you know we love you" I heard her shout to me.


I was nervous, no more than nervous, shit at this point nervous is not a word to me. I've been outside in my aunts car for a while looking in at Jay, scared as hell to go inside. I chose to drive my aunts car so he won't recognize it just in case I backed out and right now i feel like I want to get the hell out of here before he sees me. 

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