Thirty Three: Back To School

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Picture of Kay's dress above
Thirty Third chapter enjoy.😊

Kay's prov.

Christmas is over and so is the new year celebration, back to reality we go. So today is the first day of school, what are we gonna do?

We are gonna be late because Bobby is being a twat. Ok I am wearing a short skirt and a crop top with a jeans jacket, party poopper here wants me to change. Tell me what's wrong with what I'm wearing?

"I'm not taking you to school until you change" he told me sitting down around the island.

"There is nothing wrong with what I'm wearing and I have my own car I can drive" i told him walking towards the key holder to grab my car key. But unfortunately not quickly enough because Bobby grabbed it before I could.

"Stop being a twat and give me my car key" i told him stretching my hands.

"Go change" he says.

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted.

"Ah they left early" he says mockingly.

"Well I can walk" i told him heading out the door.

"Kay stop being stubborn and go change" he says frustrated.

"Stop being a twat and leave me alone, now that's not gonna happen so I won't change. It's either I wear this or the purple dress" i told him.

"Ooh hell no, stay in that let's go now" he told me pulling me through the door. I had on another outfit before a purple short and tight dress but Bobby said no so I changed into this and I ain't changing again.

"Thank's for making me late big head" i told him.

"Just get out before I have a fit" he told me shaking his head.

I jumped out the car and head for my first class which I'm late to, luckily it's not Miss Walker or else I'll have detention.


"Why were you so late this morning?" Kim asked sitting down next to me.

"Bobby was being bobby" i told her eating my sandwich. Jay came after and we all started talking and catching up on our lives and what we've done over the holiday.

The school day went by fast and the first day of school is over with homework sigh. Things at school might be back to normal but things at home aren't.

Bobby is going through some problems right now and mom and dad got robe 2.5 million dollars from one of their loyal worker in their partnered company. I don't know much about it but I over heard that the guy, Kevin stewart, the manager ran away to Australia. The police was called and now they are trying to find him. Dad has a private investigator trying to trace him and I kinda heard mom called her dad, who is the mafia, to help. I don't know my grand parents on my mother's side because mom doesn't want anyone to know that we are related to the American mafia leader, they might harm us. I've never met my grandpa before neither my grandma, and mom won't allow it.

I guess that's my life. Not that I'm missing out but really I do want to meet them, eventually. Jay and I are great by the way we didn't get to see each other for the holiday we mostly text and video call but he's planning to take me out on a date Friday, gosh I can't wait to kiss him. During lunch he kept kissing me all over my face and hugging me. Not that I mind.

After lunch we then head to our next class which surprisingly is gym. Not my favorite class might I had.

My Bailey our gym teacher is very nice but strict, no slacking off in her class.

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