Thirty Six: I'm Sorry

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Random song Great Devide above by McClain Sisters.
Thirty Sixth chapter enjoy.😊

Kays prov.

I knocked on the door hoping someone might be home because school is over right now. Taking heavy breathes I was nervous but I was ready to just start talking.

A little after he opened the door and he was shock, well me too because for the first time in two weeks I really looked at him.

He had bags under his eyes, his face held stress visibly and his eyes are red from crying.

"Hey can I come in?" I ask knowing if I didn't say anything I'll be standing out here for a while.

He finally broke from his shock and mumbled a "yes" to me.

We walked towards the couch and to be honest I felt a little da java moment right here.

After sitting on the couch he asked "how are you doing? You ok?."

I answer "yes" flatly not wanting to talk about me.

"So I got some advice from my brother and that opened my eye's on the situation we have and also on my behavior. While I was on the stairs readying my mind for this conversation I was about to have with you Amelia stopped by my house. She explained what happened that night and even apologize for the time she's been a bitch. She gave me a ultimatum practically. Believe what she says and come talk to you or don't believe and wait until 4 to get confirmation that she wasn't lying to me about the rape thing" I said closing my eye.

"It's not 4 as yet" Jay say and I looked at him.

"I kmow, I came here because I want to apologize, I walked away when I should have believed in what your telling me and yes that was me being petty and I'm sorry. I don't need 4 to come in order to believe I shouldn't even need my brother or Amelia for me to believe you. You've never lied to me before and if you say you love me I should trust that and I'm sorry" I said feeling the tears coming.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness I know and relationship comes with a lot of fuss and fights and if this small fight caused me to walk away what is going to happen when it's a bigger fight, but this time I promise to stand by you no matter what and work things out instead of running away from the situation that will just hurt the both of us in the end. I love you and I'm sorry" by this time I was full on crying.

Jay came and hugged me and I cried even more in his shoulders. "I forgive you and I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about it. But next time just believe and trust me" he says.

"I will" I told him looking in his eyes.

"I love you Kay" he says and kissed me.

We had a full on make out session that I didn't want to end. But I stopped to catch my breath.

"Does this means we're ok?" I asked hoping it does.

"Definitely" he replied hugging me.

We kept hugging not wanting to let each other go.

"I miss this" I mumbled.

"Me too" he says kissing my hair.

"Now that we're ok, you can get some sleep now you look terrible" I told him and he laughed.

"God I missed you so much" he says smiling at me.

"Yeah and so does your bed" I told him giggling.

We spent the rest of the day just talking and chilling. Afterwards I had to head home because Bobby called for a family meeting.


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