Chapter Eighteen: She's Not So Bad

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Random music video above 'pretty girls' by Kellysweet
Eighteenth chapter enjoy.😊

A little note for everyone

I'm having writer's block people sigh. I have no inspiration at the moment and I feel empty inside. School has resumed and my focus is mainly on my studies, so I haven't worked on a new chapter in a while.
I will try and get back in my normal routine and find inspiration somewhere. Hope you guys enjoy this capture and please remember to like and vote thank you guys for the support.

Kay's prov.

Marsha made barbecue chicken with mash potatoes salad, green beans, rice and corn boiled in butter. After we've finished cooking everything I went to call everyone, Shy and her dad came home not too long ago.

"Jay, Shy, Devon!" I called.

"Yeah" I heard them answer.

"Dinner is ready please come join us" i told them and I heard some reply of 'ok' 'Yeah' 'cool'.

When everyone came down we started to share the food. Devon and Marsha got into a conversation about work while Shy and I talked about school.

"So how was school today Kay?" Devon asked.

"Oooh it was great actually" I smiled looking away.

"Jay did you ask her yet?" Shy questioned.

"Ask her what?" Marsha asked.

Jay shook his head smiling at his family when he answered "Yes I asked her to be my girlfriend."

That's all Shy had to hear before she screamed out 'YES'.

"I knew you couldn't wait until friday, I could see the excitement in your eyes" Shy says.

"Congratulations to you two, I guess I got a second daughter" Marsha says smiling.

"Yeah welcome to the family" Devon said.

"Thank you" I replied blushing.

"Does your parents know?" Devon asked.

"Oh yes they do" i answered.

Devon laugh and said "i bet your dad can't wait to see jay for that fatherly talk."

I looked over to Jay and saw his face expression changed to a scared looking one.

"You'll be fine, I asked him to go easy on you" I told him.

"I was hoping you would tell my dad that your dad won't be having any talk with me" he says looking at me worried.

I laughed and replied "really Jay don't worry."

"Ok fine" he replied.

We continued to have dinner when my phone started to buzz.


(Kay's mom)
'Dear we'll be home late tonight so make yourself something to eat or order something'

'I'm fine, I'm having dinner with the Davis family'

(Kay's mom)
'Ok great, tell Marsha and Devon hi for me, I love you'

'I will, love you too mom'

I hang up the phone and turned towards Marsha and Devon "Mom said to tell you guys hi."

"Oh ok" Marsha replied smiling.

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