Chapter Twenty Three: Old Friends

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Picture of Rajah's fiance played by India Eisley.
Twenty third chapter enjoy.😊

Bobby's prov.

Time away from home was the worst ever, missing out on your little sister's growth into a woman. For an over protective brother that's a hard thing to do and accept. While away i still stayed in contact with her of course, I'm just mad I'm not there to punch all the flat face niggas who are eye-sexing my baby sister. Away at college I had to get my master in business in order for me to fully take over my dad's empire. Work is getting harder now because we have to be switching up a lot of things in order for me to fully take the business. Now that I'm home I hardly have time for myself or for my sister.

Since today is Saturday I called Mrs Rivers, my dad's assistant, to clear my schedule today. Unfortunately for me when I take over Mrs Rivers will only be with me for a month until I find a new assistant. Since my schedule is clear I called all my friends and ask them to meet me at Robby's Restaurant to catch up.

"Kay bear!" I shouted from downstairs after getting off the phone with my boys.

"What?!" She answered sounding sleepy as always.

"Gonna meet up with the boys today. Wanna join us?" I asked reaching for the refrigerator door to get the eggs for breakfast.

"Yes!" She shouted followed by a boom sound with a "ooooch mother of God."

"What happen?" I asked running towards the stairs and stopping at her door.

"I guess my butt wanted to say good morning to the floor" she says causing me to laugh.

"Your so stupid, we're meeting up with them at lunch so come help me with breakfast and let's catch up, I got all day" i said walking back downstairs with kay trailing behind. I got the eggs to fry while she went for the bread to toast.

"So how have you been? How's school? And what's up with not telling me you have a boyfriend?" I asked her flipping the eggs over.

"I'm doing great, school is school and your hardly home" she replied.

"Well now I'm here and I want to know" I told her.

"Ok well jay, the guy next door, is my boyfriend now and yes before you ask he's treating me well and no Bobby I'm not having sex" she says answering all my unasked questions I have in my head.

"Well then I think it's time I meet this jay person" i told her bringing the plates over to the kitchen island to eat.

"You will eventually but please Bobby don't be hard on him dad's already trying to scare the crap out of him" she says pouting.

"Fine I'll go easy on him, maybe" i told her.

I wanted to see this guy Jay before kay decides she wants to be in a relationship with him, I don't want what happen 2 years ago happen again. She was heart broken and I wasn't even there to hug and comfort her, I had to be doing it over the phone during the worst time, when I had exams plying up, it was hard. She's my baby sister and I love her alot, seeing her hurt, tears me apart, I might be hard on her at times but only because I want the best for her and I'll do anything for my kay bear.

"What about you? No girlfriend?" Kay asked putting mayonnaise on her toast bread.

"Nah too busy to be searching right now" I answered which is true.

During college I was dating this girl name Kelly but she broke up with me before I left, I was planning to ask her to marry me but I guess the love I thought we shared was a one way thing. She didn't even bother to give me a explanation on why she was breaking up with me but I remember the scene like it was yesterday.

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