Chapter Seventeen: The New Student

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Just a random song I like by Lil MO it's called '4ever'
Seventeenth chapter enjoy.😊

Kay's prov.

It's Monday now, my weekend was the best, a romantic date with Jay and i hang out with kim and Anna, what could make my day dull.

Going to my first class I sat down smiling at jay.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi" i answered blushing.

"Ok class we have a new student, her name is Amelia Johnson" the teacher said but no one got up.

"Amelia!" The teacher called.

"Right here" the person answered and I know that voice anywhere. I looked over at jay with a question look but he gave me back the same look.

"What the hell is she doing here" jay whispered.

"I don't know, but I can guess why" i said looking at him with a sad face.

"Kay don't worry about that I'm o-v-e-r her" he said.

"I believe you" i replied looking in front again watching her walk down to the seat opposite to jay on the left side.

"Great" i heard jay mumbled and I giggled.

Class went on with me watching the crap out of Amelia, I glimpse her trying to talk to jay but he ignored her, I smirked at that.

When it was time for the next class it was just me and her "just great" i mumbled when I saw her sit in the seat in front of me.

She turned around smiling while I ignored her.

"Hi, kay right?" She asked.

"Stop being hypocritical you already know the answer" i told her.

"Ok, you know imma get my jay back right?" She asked.

I looked up at her smiling "good luck with that" I told her.

Her smile dropped and she turned around scoffing while I continue to smiled.

Lunch time came and jay told me he needed to ask me something, so we walked away towards the ball field.

"I wanted to wait until our date on Friday but I can't" he said.

"Ok so tell me" i said worriedly.

"Kay.......will.......will........will....." he kept saying.

"Will what?" I asked.

He breathe out and asked "will you be my girlfriend?"

I released a long worried breathe I've been holding and replied with a "yes" too loudly and he laughed.

"I see you've been waiting for me to ask you that" He said.

Even though it wasn't a question I stilled answered "Yes too long by the way" and I hugged him.

"Your my boyfriend" i said and he laughed.

"Yes and your my girlfriend" he said.

We walked back in the lunch room and sat with kim, Andre, Anna and Jack.  I looked at them smiling like crazy and Anna screamed "Yes I won bitches."

"Great they had a bet on me nice, don't wanna hear about it by the way" i told Anna and kim laughing.

We we're having our lunch when we saw Amelia walked in and came straight to our table, obviously kim and Anna never met her before so when she asked if she could sit they said yes. I ignored her but I didn't want my food anymore.

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