Chapter 2

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-Jaebum's pov-
"Fucking hell" I groaned with closed eyes. I tried to shut of my alarm clock. I looked at it and it said '6:30'. I sighed but sat up.

College life is seriously frustrating. I go to school, but I do nothing. So whats the use of it. Walking to my closet I picked some black tight jeans, with a black blazer and a grey T-shirt.

I walked to the bathroom and did my usual routine. Brushing my teeth, brushing my hair and putting some gel in it, showcasing my forehead. I looked in the mirror and I nodded. I do think im handsome but hey, i'm Im Jaebum.

I grabbed my schoolbag and walked downstairs. The lights in the kitchen were on, so I walked there first. I saw the two hybrids sitting at the dining table, eating some scrambled eggs, that Yugyeom made.

Yugyeom took his plate, sat down and gave me a small smile as well. "Morning hyung" he said and I hummed.

I grabbed an apple and just ate that. "You don't want eggs?" Yugyeom asked me. "No, I got to go" I said and walked away. Biting in my apple.

"Hyung im taking Youngjae" Yugyeom said. "I dont care" I chuckled. "Well,you will be home late. But the dishes and the loundry has to be done" Yugyeom said pointing at the dishes. I groaned.

What was the use of MY hybrid if Yugyeom was taking him. "Fine" I mumbled and left for college.

-Yugyeom's pov-
"So where is your apartment" Bambam asked me shoving egg in his mouth. I chuckled as it didn't go really smoothly.

"Its a 15 minute walk, so we will just walk. Its nice." I said and he nodded. "Youngjae-ah" I started and he looked up at me.

"If Jaebum-hyung ever does something, tell me alright?" And he nodded I gave him a smile. We finished eating breakfast and the hybrids were waiting for me at the door.

I gave a last look at the dishes and I giggled "goodluck hyung" I mumbled. There was literly a whole mountain of dishes. Not only mine but dishes from 3 days ago. "Ok off we go" I said and we walked out.

-3rd pov-
Jaebum stepped out of the bus and saw his college building. He took a deep sigh and walked in. The school ground was full with happy students, being happy with their friends. Eating on the grassfields, or dancing. It was nice, if you had friends.

Jaebum rolled his eyes and wished the day would be over soon.

He walked down the hallways and smirked. Girls giving him stares some boys too. Yes he has no friends, but that doesnt mean he is not popular.

His looks stand out, his grades are average. But he didn't care, he is only there for his degrade so. He walked into his classroom and it was empty, except for one person.

One guy that was always early to read his favorite novels in peace. He looked up from his book and glared at Jaebum, he rolled his eyes and went back to reading.

Jaebum smirked and walked up to him. He lifted his head to the side and read the title out loud.

"Sentences of the young-  Kim Yeonsu, I see you still love to be serious dont ya Park Jinyoung?" Jaebum chuckled.

He got a glare again. "Dont you have better stuff to do, Im Jaebum?" Jinyoung said in a lazy tone.

Jaebum shook his head and smiled. "Not really". He turned around and sat his own stuff down on the table. Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

Jinyoung stared at the back of Jaebum noticing fur on his blazer. He raised his eyebrows. "Im Jaebum" he started and Jaebum turned around.

"Never thought you would get an animal, poor thing. You hate animals" Jinyoung said grinning.
"I do not have an animal, well not exactly" Jaebum said frowning.

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