Chapter 10

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-Yugyeom's pov-
I rubbed my face after I closed the door. I saw Bambam sitting on the couch with Youngjae next to him. They were playing with each others tail and giggling.

This was going to be one hell of a long day, but it's worth it.

-Jaebum's pov-
I sighed

I didn't like to leave my Youngjae with others, but I still didn't like Jinyoung around him either. So college was a no-no

"Im Jaebum" I slightly jumped not noticing the presence behind my back. I turned around and saw Namjoon. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I asked uninterested.
"We didn't finish our last chat last time, so you got a hybrid huh" he said.
"Dont ask the obvious" I responded sitting at my original spot, leaning backwards on the chair and closing my eyes.

"What's his name?" He asked. That sparked my interest. "Why show interest?" I asked looking at him but he shrugged. "What? Can't I know my classmates pet" he said with a chuckle.

I was annoyed, he just called Youngjae a pet. I looked at him with pure annoyance, which he smirked to.
"What? As if you treated him right" I could only laugh to that.

"Yeah i've been a dick, but im trying to set things right. Why? Did Jinyoung say shit about me?" I asked him. Namjoon nodded "he sure did, well I guess hybrids should be treated that way" He said.

I stood up in anger and stood infront of his table. "Listen closely here Namjoon" I looked straight into his eyes and I wanted to slap that arrogant smile of his face. "I've been a dick, no human being should be treated like that. Yes hybrids are also human beings. Besides, the biggest asshole that deserves to die is his former owner" I saw Namjoon's face fall into a serious one.

"Former owner huh?" He asked with a straight face. "Just fuck off, and don't mention Youngjae anymore" his smirk grew back on his face, and thats when it hit me.

I just said his name

"Youngjae? That's a nice name" I rolled my eyes and just sat down again. Jinyoung came in a while later and the lesson began. For some reason Namjoon gave me a weird feeling.

-Yugyeom's pov-
"So Youngjae" I said as I tapped the space besides me for him to sit on.

He hummed, playing with his fingers on his lap.

"How is it at home?" I smiled at him when he looked at me, with huge wide eyes and a smile appearing on his face.
"ITS GREAT! We went to the funfair, and he gave me a plushie!" He said reaching over to the plushie he brought. "THIS ONE!" he said excitingly hugging it after and nuzzling his face in it. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Did you give it a name?" Bambam asked walking towards us. We made some cookies together the three of us, but it was a mess. Bambam had to clean, because he lost rock, paper, scissors.

Youngjae seemed in deep thought and shook his head. "I don't know" He replied.
"Well name it after something you love" Bambam clapsed his hands together.

"O-okay..i'll name it.. bummie!" He said and kissed the head of the bear.

Bambam and I looked at each other and beamed at Youngjae.
"Awwwww" Bambam said making Youngjae blush. "W-what?" He stuttered.

"You love Jaebum" Bambam teased poking Youngjae's sides. He giggled but slapped his hands away. "S-stop!" He said hiding his face in the bear.

"Gosh Yugyeom, he is too adorable can't he stay here" Bambam pouted at me. I shook my head.
"Hyung will kill me, by the looks of it" I said eyeing Youngjae and leaning into Bambam's ear. "Jaebum loves him too" I whispered that went unnoticed by Youngjae.

Bambam agreed.
If only Jaebum would.

"Youngjae" I said and he looked at me. "Thankyou for being Jaebum's friend" I said. He blushed and jumped into my arms hugging me.
"He is the best" he whispered before nuzzling his face in my neck.

"Pfft 'friend'" Bambam teased but I slapped his head. He whined and rubbed his head. "Shh" I said and he shrugged.

-Jaebum's pov-
"Jinyoung" I said walking towards his table in the lunch hall. "Yeah?" He looked up at me. I hated to do this, but strangely enough I was starting to get along with him. "Youngjae really wants to see you again, do you want to come over tonight?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows.

Probably surprised at my sudden request.

"Uhm, yeah ofcourse!" He said happily and I gave him a smile. "Can I come too?" Namjoon asked which made my smile fall. "Why would you want to come? You dont even know him" Jinyoung asked shoving food in his mouth.

"I dont know, I love hybrids" He said looking at me.
"I dont see why you should come, I am sorry" I said starting to walk away.

"Ahw come on Jaebum, please?" He begged.
"Pretty please?"
"Ew no" I said rolling my eyes

"Stop this, Jaebum please let him come? He has to come over to my place after as well. We are working on a project together. So we can stop by for a while and leave after" Jinyoung requested, not wanting to argue any further.

"Fine" I said but wasn't okay with it. I hardly accept Jinyoung, but I know for a fact that I won't accept that creep of a Namjoon.

"Dude you are texting someone, the whole day already! Is that person so interesting?" Jinyoung asked Namjoon who was smirking down his phone.

"Yeah you could say that" Namjoon said still looking at his phone.

-3rd pov-
It was nighttime and almost 8pm. Jaebum messaged Yugyeom asking if he could bring Youngjae home. Because he had guests over.

Yugyeom ofcourse didnt deny, he didn't mind.

Bambam tagged along and they were walking up to the door, knocking on it after.

Youngjae was holding hands with Bambam and Yugyeom. Jaebum opened the door and smiled at the sight.

"Hyungie!" Youngjae walked into Jaebum's embrace and hugged his waist.
"Here Jae, your bummie" Bambam said handing over his teddy. Youngjae smiled and hugged it, holding Jaebum's hand with his free hand.

"Bummie?" Jaebum questioned looking down at Youngjae. His cheeks turned red and he hid his face in his stuffy. "He named it after something he loved" Bambam said wriggling his eyebrows, receiving another smack from Yugyeom. But Bambam's words made Jaebum feel happy and warm.

"We'll be going now, see you hyung" Yugyeom said and gave him a smile. Jaebum suddenly walked forward and gave a hug to Yugyeom. Yugyeom widened his eyes and was stunned but hugged back nonetheless.

He felt warm and shocked.
They smiled at each other and Jaebum walked in again, closing the door behind him.

"I've got a surprise for you" Jaebum announced to Youngjae. "Really!" Youngjae said with big anticipating eyes, ears perking up and tail wagging behind him.

He held Jaebum's hand and walked with him to the living room.

Gosh what will happen idek?
Have a nice new years evening, for those who already had that, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Stay safe♡


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