Chapter 17

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Jaebum chuckled as he heard a loud squeak from the other room.

"Jinyoung hyung! That hurt" Youngjae whimpered as Jinyoung was trying to straighten Youngjae's hair with an straightener.

"Sorry sunshine, but you want to look as prettily as ever for Jaebum right?" Jinyoung grinned at the pouting hybrid.

They were all getting ready for prom. Jaebum dressing up in an other room.

"You can't see me before prom starts!" Youngjae said before they dressed up.

It wasn't like they were gonna get married


Jaebum thought as he looked in the mirror. Tying his red ribbon and straightening his black jacket.

He wore a white shirt underneath tugged into his black jeans.

Just the average guy suit

He was curious though, Jinyoung spoke with Youngjae about prom, before he came here.

He arrived with a lot of stuff, almost a suitcase full of accessoires and make-up stuff.

"Bambam provided me these, he wanted to do it himself. But he had no time, thats why he asked me" Jinyoung told Jaebum.

Jaebum smiled and was excited

"Do you think he will like this hyung?" Youngjae said tugging at his newly dyed hair. He whined when Jinyoung swatted his hand away.

"Stop touching it, it looks absolutely gorgeous" Jinyoung said helping Youngjae with the last preparations.


"Yes Youngjae?, you have many questions tonight" Jinyoung chuckled.

"With who are you going to prom?" Youngjae asked cutely, swinging his legs back and forth as he was sitting on the sink of the bathroom.

"I was asked by a guy" Jinyoung said and Youngjae squealed when he saw his pink cheeks.

"Who!! Tell me hyung! Please!" Youngjae begged and Jinyoung cooed at his cuteness.

"His name is Wonpil, he is a grade lower than me. I thought 'why not?' So I said yes."Jinyoung smiled at the memory.

Youngjae jumped off the sink and hugged Jinyoung's waist.

"Im glad hyung, it'll be so much fun!" Youngjae said as his tail wagged in excitement.

"Oh look at you! So adorable! Jaebum is lucky" Jinyoung exclaimed eyeing the hybrid up and down. Feeling satisfied with his work.

"Are you ready?" He asked and held Youngjae's hand and the hybrid excitingly nodded.

Jaebum was waiting next to the staircase, he was nervous for some reason. His phone wouldn't stop buzzing. His parents and brother messaging him.

'dont forget to send us a picture!!'

They all said making Jaebum chuckle the whole night.

His heart raced when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

He slowly turned around and widened his eyes, not noticing his mouth was hanging open as well.

"Holy" he whispered out.

Youngjae's cheeks couldn't possibly get any more red than they were. He ran up to Jaebum and hugged him in embarrassment.

Jaebum grabbed both of his cheeks to make the hybrid look up at him.

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